Hobblrdy Will O' Wisp

Jan 24, 2010 00:01

Hobblrdy~ Hobblrdy~

Going to cosplay as Hob-kun this coming Saturday, Thank you Senior Party~

But the costume doesn't have any pockets, so I'll have to bring my own bag... =w=;;

And... stalking around pixiv today was... XD

I searched デュラララ, デュラララ!, DRRR, and what I've got are looooooads of Shizu-chan x I.za.ya.ku.n! ROFL! And I even found a Izapin. (Izaya in Gachapin costume! ROFL!)

I thought I'd find more Masaomi x Ryugamine but... LOL.

However, Shizu-chan x Izaya-kun is better, at least, for me... XD. I just love Izaya... and his laugh... totally maniac.

But... the pairing would be the SM one, I think... hahaha! Or Kamiya Izaya might be the uke queen~ I would really love to see that. XDD

drrr!!, cosplay

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