oh hay thar

Nov 11, 2009 19:01

  • 01:11 I am way too happy right now. #
  • 07:19 Swear to god watch out i drive like a Cullen quicker on someones window i just yelled out NO NO NO NO #
  • 10:41 Of course we're covering song of songs today. Of freaking course. Way to make my heart melt, Jews. #
  • 11:27 The only thing to follow that up with is hazards of love 2 (Wager All) #
  • 13:28 You're so 1990 and it's 1994 #
  • 13:35 Break Your Heart is one of the greatest songs ever written. Nothing better than belting it out in your car on a fall afternoon. #
  • 16:24 Oh hey internet, i have a hickey on my ear #
  • 16:26 I honestly did not think that was possible. #
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