Dec 28, 2007 23:02
Hello everyone! How is everybody doing with their bible reading goals? As this year draws to a close, many of you are finishing up a plan you started the beginning of 2007, some may still be in the middle but wherever you are I just wanted to tell you that I am so happy for you- for your faithfulness and consistency in reading God's Holy Word. I'm pretty sure He's happy too. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I know that in this busy day and age it's not always easy. And Hey, perhaps some of you have fallen off track, for whatever reasons. But I want you to know that even though you may be disappointed in yourself, God's not! Twilight descends and soon the sun rises- it's a new day! Every day God gives us is blessed and one may always begin again. Even if you can't read through the entire Bible in a year, a few verses each day (even if it takes longer than expected) is great for your spiritual growth. 2008 is nearly here, and all that are truly hungry for the Word, God will empower to partake of your daily bread. How awesome it is that we can encourage one another to let our lights shine and share this journey as Christ's body working and supporting each other in love. Happy New Year, brothers and sisters!