Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? Part II of III

Jul 11, 2014 16:40

Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/ Christian Kane, Jensen/ OMC (minor), Jensen/ OFC (minor)
Word count: 5600± in total over three parts
Warnings: ​NSFW, explicit sexual content and language, Rape/ Non-con, underage, voyeurism, bathroom sex, bottom Christian, top Jensen, rimming, anal sex, blowjob, brief vaginal sex
Disclaimer: I own neither Jensen nor Christian, as they are autonomous individuals! Nor do I own Supernatural or any of the programmes with which Christian Kane is affiliated. This is all fiction and none of it happened. I do not write these stories for profit, but rather for non-profit entertainment.
A/N: The title of this story comes from the song of the same name by Paula Cole (which I don't own either). I read another fanfic a while back about Christian being a trucker, and I really liked it. Then I thought that it would be cool if Jensen was a trucker. This story is complete and in three parts on LJ and one on ao3.
Summary:Christian is a teenager in need of a ride, and Jensen's a trucker willing to give him that ride. But it won't end up being that simple.
Also on ao3

“We’re stopping overnight,” Jensen said, as he pulled into the parking lot of a motel. “You can share a room with me if you like or get one of your own.”

“I’ll share one with you,” Christian replied, trying not to sound too eager and pathetic.

Jensen nodded and climbed out of the cab.

The woman behind the counter looked bored out of her mind as she handed them a room key.

“Where’s a decent bar around here?” Jensen asked as he signed in.

“Harley’s ain’t so bad,” she replied. “They’ve got pool and decent beer on tap.”

“Thanks,” Jensen replied, his signature lady killer smile in place.

“Are- are you going out tonight?” Christian asked tentatively once they were inside the room.

“Maybe,” Jensen replied. “Why do you ask?”

Christian blushed slightly and averted his eyes, “I wanted to know if I could come with.”

Jensen sighed and licked his lips, which did nothing to quell Christian’s increasing blush, “Sure, but I’m not babysitting you. Okay kid?”

Christian’s jaw tensed and he straightened his shoulders, “I’m not a kid, so you won’t have to babysit me, Jensen.”

Jensen gave him an amused look, “Sure thing, kiddo.”

The bar was loud and smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke and Christian immediately felt out of place. He didn’t know why he’d wanted to come here, probably to prove to Jensen that he wasn’t a kid, but he didn’t feel very grown up right now.

Jensen bought him a beer and then left him at the bar to go and play pool. He gathered that Jensen was obviously a very good pool player because he beat his opponents while barely breaking a sweat.

Christian looked around the bar and realised that a guy with black hair and dark blue eyes was looking at him. He decided that if Jensen didn’t want to be bothered with him, then he might as well keep himself busy with someone else.

He walked over to the guy’s table and smiled, “Hi, I’m Christian.”

The guy returned his smile, “Hi Christian. I’m Matthew. You wanna dance?”

Christian shrugged, “Sure thing.”

Matthew was taller than him and it made him feel like when Jensen stood next to him and towered over him, and he suppressed a shiver at the realisation that he liked it. He followed Matthew onto the little dancefloor in front of the jukebox, and let him push his denim clad thigh between Christian’s thighs as they swayed together.

“You’re very sexy,” Matthew whispered into his ear. “Are you here alone?”

Christian thought about telling him that he was here with Jensen, but then he remembered what Jensen had said and he shook his head.


They continued to dance and Christian liked the feel of Matthew’s steady hands moving over his back and sides. He was surprised that no one had tried to break them up yet, but it seemed that no one cared, and quite a few of the men were looking at Christian with a rather unnervingly predatory look in their eyes.

“How about we get out of here?” Matthew suggested.

Before Christian could reply, he felt a warm weight on his upper arm and he turned around to come face to face with Jensen.

“We’re leaving,” he said.

“Who the hell are you?” Matthew demanded.

Jensen gave him a withering look, “Fuck off. He’s with me.”

“No he isn’t!” Matthew snapped. “He said he was here alone.”

“Well I say he ain’t.”

Jensen pushed Christian behind him and stepped into Matthew’s personal space, “You’d better back off buddy, or I’m gonna fucking punch you.”

Matthew stepped back, his expression furious as he looked at Christian and spat, “Little fucking cocktease,” and stormed off.

Jensen’s long fingered hand clamped down on Christian’s and dragged him out of the bar.

“What are you doing?” Christian demanded.

“Saving you from being raped,” Jensen ground out.

Christian struggled for a moment and then Jensen turned around and gripped his shoulders, “Listen to me, Christian---”

“No I won’t!” Christian spat. “You won’t fuck me and yet you won’t let anyone else either!”

“Dammit Christian! I’m not here to sort out your daddy issues or give you some teenage experience!”

“Then why did you do that?”

“Because he would have hurt you.”

Christian breathed heavily for a moment before he pushed Jensen’s hands away and stepped back, “I’m---I’m going to go back to the motel.”


“Just fuck off, Jensen,” Christian replied tiredly and stalked off.

Jensen stood there staring after him for a while, his breath crystallising in the night, before he decided to go back into the bar and distract himself with sex. It didn’t take very long either, because before he had even really tried, he was leaning against the back wall of the bar, next to the dumpster, and the bartender was on his knees for him with Jensen’s cock in his mouth. He looked up at Jensen with clear blue eyes and for a moment Jensen could pretend that those eyes belonged to someone else.

The ride the next day was tense, and Christian tried not think about the fact that he had Jensen’s handprints on his shoulders. His mind kept tripping over why Jensen had stopped him from going off with that other guy. It wasn’t as if Jensen really cared, but obviously he felt like he had some misguided responsibility towards Christian, despite his own obvious disinterest in Christian sexually.

He fell into a fitful sleep and had dreams about Jensen following him back to the motel and throwing him on the bed, and just taking from him like he had taken from that boy at the diner and that waitress. He wanted Jensen, but his conscious mind knew that Jensen didn’t want him.

When he woke up he found that it was night time and that the cab was empty. He frowned and wondered why Jensen had left him alone. They had stopped at another truck stop, and this time the twenty four hour diner was called Louis’. He scrubbed his face and walked inside to find Jensen sitting at the booth at the back, already seemingly working on getting into the waitress’ thigh length skirt. Christian rolled his eyes before he sat across from Jensen and threw the keys at him in a purposeful attempt to get the waitress to start acting like a waitress again.

She turned her glaringly white smile on him, “What can I get ya, hun?”

“A coffee with lots of milk, please,” he replied with his best saccharine smile.

When he turned back to Jensen his smile had evaporated, “Where are we?”

“Vermont,” Jensen replied, quirking an eyebrow. “Almost in Maine, kiddo.”

“Stop fucking calling me that,” Christian ground out, causing Jensen to raise both eyebrows.

“Here’s your coffee,” the waitress beamed, seemingly oblivious of their tension.

“Thanks,” Christian smiled.

She winked at him and then gave Jensen a meaningful look before she left the table.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Jensen said.

“Don’t forget to wear a condom,” Christian grated, and Jensen’s jaw tightened.

When he was done with his coffee, he left some money on the table and walked out to the truck.

“Hey baby,” came a voice from behind him.

He swung round and was confronted by two men who were much taller and broader than him, and he knew immediately that they were truckers.

“What ya doin’ all on your lonesome?” the one with yellow teeth said.

“Want a date,” the other with pockmarked skin snickered.

“Fuck off,” Christian spat as he slowly retreated towards Jensen’s truck.

Both of their smiles disappeared at that and the one growled, “You’re a mouthy little slut, ain’t ya?”

He could feel panic welling inside his chest, but he refused to let the two pigs see his fear. He looked about himself and realised that there was no one but them at the stop, and when he looked at the diner he could see no one inside. His stomach plummeted as the two men advanced on him, and when they reached him, he began lashing out with his fists and legs. They let out yelps of pain as his boot connected with the ones shin and his fist connected with the other’s jaw. He felt his knuckles bruise upon impact and then they smashed him down to the ground so that his vision blurred for a moment.

He tried to struggle but couldn’t because he was being held by the shoulders while the one with the pockmarked skin straddled his thighs. Christian began to panic as the trucker undid his jeans and the realisation that he was going to be orally raped dawned on him. He began to cry and scream for help, even though he knew it was hopeless. By the time Jensen would be finished screwing the waitress, he’d have been violated. He refused to give up, however, and continued to thrash beneath the suffocating weight of his attackers. He could feel his cheekbone bruise instantly as the man straddling his waist punched him, and simultaneously gripped his throat so that it was almost impossible for him to breath.

Just as the man had got his unimpressive dick out and was guiding it towards Christian’s forcibly opened mouth, someone said, “Hey! Get the fuck off of him you pieces of shit!”

Christian wanted to cry with relief at the recognition of that voice. The man who had his cock out turned around and his eyes became comically wide as they took in Jensen’s gun, which was trained right at his head.

“You best back away now,” Jensen said in a low, clear voice. “Or I’ll just have to blow your fucking head off.”

The weight on Christian’s shoulders was lifted as the yellow toothed man scrambled up and ran way. Pockmarks got up with his cock still hanging out of his pants and followed his partner off into the night, leaving Christian gasping on the ground while tears ran down his face. Jensen knelt down beside him and helped him up so that he could lean against Jensen’s chest while his legs felt like they’d give out at any moment.

“Jesus, Chris,” Jensen mumbled into his hair. “Are you okay, baby?”

Christian vaguely registered the endearment before he gripped Jensen’s shirt and sobbed into it. Jensen didn’t seem to mind that he was soaking his shirt and soothingly stroked his back, the heat of his large hand through Christian’s jacket and t-shirt making him relax somewhat.

“Let’s get a motel and get you cleaned up, ‘kay?”

Christian nodded and leaned on Jensen as they walked to the truck.

Part III

jensen/ christian, trucker jensen, nc-17, sexual tension, teenage christian, nsfw

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