Goals and Resolutions for 2011

Jan 03, 2011 13:38

  • Get a job by the end of January
  • Either renew this lease, or start a new one; because I want to remain self-reliant
  • Cook more
  • Save up enough to go to Japan in May
  • Get a table at Otakon
  • Make enough things that can be posters and such to sell at Otakon
  • Finish at least 75% of my listed projects
  • Find an opportunity to go to another con this year
  • Find a way to do art more professionally
  • Design more tattoos, and maybe even get a solid lead on an apprenticeship
  • Start a comic and/or webcomic
  • Start working with traditional medium more, or just as much as with digital
  • Lose 50 lbs
Probably a lot more, but the most I can think of or focus on at the moment.
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