(no subject)

Jan 12, 2009 21:58

The weather lately has been completely unacceptable. No human being should have to put up with this. I have a hard enough time in that I constantly feel cold already, but this is just plain unreasonable.

I'm feeling pretty good about the new year though. I feel like it may hold some pretty neat things. My new job's going really well; I feel like I've worked in my niche. It's so far been an awesome place. Money's awesome, and I like pretty much everyone there.

In keeping with my New Year's resolution I'm also gonna start going back to the gym. I'm gonna cancel the membership I currently have and join up at the one at work. Cuz it's a quarter of the price, and I'll be there every day anyway so I'll have no excuse to not go. Plus there's free trainers there to make appointments with so I'll have a physical obligation to keep going. And that will be wonderful, cuz I wanna lose a bit of weight to get ready for....

...The vacation with Ryan to Disney in March. I'm so embarassingly happy about it. I'm like all "EEE!! My first vacation with just meeeee and hiiiiiim," and all that lovey crap. LOL I am looking forward to it though. I've only been to Disney once and it'll be fun to go again. He's being a total little kid about it too, super-pumped.

I also feel like I'm finally coming out of this artist's funk I've been in for the past several weeks. Ever since starting this job really, which is the one thing about it I don't like. My schedule is so weird now; I wake up when the sun is just starting to rise, and I get home when it's just done setting. That's getting better though now that the days are starting to get longer, so I'm getting back into it. So that's something I'm gonna start working on. Not to mention that I hooked up my scanner so I'll be able to do more stuff by hand. Whee!

Also - and this is kinda goofy - I can't help but be a little giddy over a fourtune cookie I got last week that told me I would be moving to a wonderful new home in the coming year. I somewhat doubt it will happen, but who knows? Something magical might happen.

Well...I think that's about it for now. G'night!
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