(no subject)

Aug 14, 2008 14:02

Am I the only one who's outraged by the Rossiter HPV lawsuit case? I mean COME THE FUCK ON!!

It is completely and utterly ridiculous that this woman won this case, or that it wasn't thrown out of court within five seconds. The people in this case obviously had NO CLUE what they were dealing with or they would have known that any evidence this idiot woman had to make her case was bullshit.

OK, first of all...

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in America.  There are approximately 130 strains, and only 30 of them are spread through sexual contact (so either by fucking or sharing vibrators, eww).  It is also possible to pass it on through childbirth, though this is extremely rare (less than 1% of cases).

It is estimated that about 30% of women have HPV, and 15% of THAT percentage (not the entire population, just those with the initial infection) have a strain that actually manifests physical symptoms (such as warts or sores), and only 3% of THAT percentage has a strain that may lead to invasive cancer or other disorders.

Most strains however, with regular checkups and good hygiene and healthy living practices (like every woman should be doing ANYWAY), remain dormant and never manifest symptoms or cause any form of problem.

According to the Centers of Disease Control, at least 50% of sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives.  Not just women.  PEOPLE.  MEN TOO.  Men can carry the disease and pass it on, true (unlike what a certain asshole ex-boyfriend of mine thinks, a-HEM).  BUT!!  That this woman can claim that he "lied about his sexual history" and "knowingly" infected her is sheer insanity.  There are no FDA-approved tests for general screening in men, since the testing is inconclusive and considered medically unnecessary.  Most STD tests that men can take don't even cover HPV.  Because, plain and simply, how the fuck can you test for a disease that effects a part of the body that you don't have?!  HPV is an infection of the cervix and mucous membrane tissue in the vagina.  And last time I checked, MEN DON'T FUCKING HAVE THAT.

So yes, perhaps a bit of caution and responsibility should have been taken.  But, on BOTH their parts.  She claims that he didn't urge her to take precautions in their sex life.  Well I'd sure like to know why the Hell she didn't go ahead and do it herself.  Did she really need to be REMINDED to practice safe sex?!  Get some fucking condoms you dumb bitch!!  And if he happened to be one of those guys who refused (which I doubt, because he's a dentist and those guys are all about the cleanliness and sterility), she had every chance and every right to put her foot down and check her shit out before sleeping with this guy.  That's what Ryan and I did.  We were both sure that things were clear anyway, but because we cared about ourselves and each other, we took that extra step to be safe.  It's not that fucking hard.

I got so mad when I heard the people on the news and people calling in and writing letters calling her "brave" and "a hero" for speaking out against this "heinous act."  No she's not!!  She's a shallow cunt who's profiting off some guy's earnings for no good reason!  I mean yea, she supposedly had to have a "surgical procedure" (though all the information I'm finding is really damn vague on the nature of that procedure) but for God's sake!  A $1.5 million lawsuit?!  I would have had him help me, sure.  But sued?  Fuck no.  I hope she's happy with all that money, because no man's gonna wanna touch her now.

I do not fault this woman for wanting help through a trying medical crisis.  That's perfectly fine, and I sympathize!  I've had a scare with HPV, and I know how not-fun it is.  But for her to demonize this man, to play the victim card and cry "Poor me!  He made me sick!  Boo-hoo!" is unforgivable.  I would never do that.  Fuck, I let the people I've been with know.  I called them up and was like "Hey!  Been a while!  How's it been hanging since we last...umm...  Yea, uh anyway, check it...something you should be aware of...Probably nothing to be concerned about, but yea, a little information never hurt..." and let them know.  Didn't ask for shit.  Didn't demand, didn't accuse, nothing.  Just let them know the facts, and asked them to be careful, just in case.  How was that so hard?  Why couldn't this woman have done that?  And how could she have gotten away with it?  If anyone in that courtroom would have employed the minutest amount of common sense, they would have known the whole ordeal was sheer bullshit.  I just don't get it.

Not-quite apologies to anyone who is offended or upset by my views. I do consider myself an avid feminist, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to sit by and be okay with women who do stupid, meaningless shit and get away with it. Feminism is about equality, and therefore I will form my opinions and judgements equally to everyone. Just because you happen to be in my club, that doesn't mean you're exempt from the rules.

Ack.  Shit pisses me off.  I hate my gender sometimes.  We're such bitches.
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