Well, last weekend was Father’s Day weekend and I think this is the first time that I have not had a big family dinner at my Granny’s place and spent time with my Dad. He was busy pretty much all weekend and then my Mom got sick with what she thinks was food poisoning (again, another reason not to go to the local Red Lobster). Then Dad said that
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I so totally went again last night and it was such a total blast. I so can't wait till you get back and we can go again. Its like West central there now on Tues and Fri. We totally take over the front bar area.
Last night I sang, Cause I'm a Blond and Homecoming Queens Got A Gun (as my usuals) and secondary I tried out If you ever did believe by Stevie Nicks (didnt go over so hot) but then later I did Something to talk about by Bonnie Raite (dont know how to spell her last name) but that went over much better and it was a lot of fun cause "FlirtGirl" and "LittleBit" were trying to "give em something ta talk about" hehehe.
Then one guys named Wes liked how I did that song so he asked me to sing Love Shack by the B52's with him and that was sooo fun.
I didn't get a chance to sing Summer Nights (one cause Theo wasn't there) but also cause I tried to find someone and the one guy I found I got signed up too late to get into the rotation. *shrug* oh well, there is always Friday right?
Well, hopefully I will get some time to work more on the rite coming up on Saturday cause between cleaning the apartment and hanging at the karaoke bar, I am not sure if I will be ready. LOL
Well, if anyone has any suggestions on how to make an oak leaf coronet, please let me know. I think I need to make it out of real leaves so I have no idea.
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