last week's interview school is no longer an option. the principal said to me, "oh, you didn't get the e-mail?" no. that's why i'm calling you. we decided to go with other candidates. okay. i just wish i knew that last week.
today's interview school was completely different from anything i am used to. it is so rural, and my rural experience is very little (i milked a goat at a petting zoo once, and i've driven on some dirt roads). but i think i could be happy there. like anywhere else, it has benefits and drawbacks. it's out of my hands now, so i'll be waiting.
slapwizzy5 thanks for the conversation! i haven't laughed so much in a long time.
i now feel, for the first time in about a week, that i can spend some time painting again without guilt. so that's what i'm doing tonight! (!!!)
enjoy today