(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 15:36

Your Name: Felicia Dolores D’Ascheberg
Your Gender: female
Age: 15
Height: 5' 1"
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: blue
Location: my house
Fears: falling without a harness

[Section 2 Have You Ever]

Peed your pants: uh uh uh NEVER!
Cheated on someone: don’t u have to actually be going out with someone??ha
Fallen off the bed: yeah
Fallen for a relative: NO! do u honestly think I sit on a porch in the middle of the woods playing a banjo with one tooth!???
Had Plastic surgery: im scared of needles!
Broken someones heart: listen I don’t entirely love u making fun of the fact I haven’t had a boyfriend!!!
Had a wish come true: yes
Something you regret: LOTS!!! oooops
Cheated on a test: maybe….lok speling is mye worsest subject
Been raped: No I would have told someone!
Broken a body part: no none that I can think of!

[Section 3-Currently]

Wearing: bathing suit
Listening to: nothing but I have queen stuck in my head!
Chewing: nothing
Feeling: happy its fourth of july!
Reading: this survey
Located: my house
Chatting With: no one aaahhhh peace and quiet!
Watching: the computer screen
[Section 4 Do You]

Brush your teeth: well they haven’t fallen out yet!!! So I think that’s a yes!
Like/Love anybody: yes
Have any piercing's: ears
Believe in Santa Claus: well then who else brings the presents and eats the cookies, our parents?
Ever Get off the computer: yea if not do u think I would of gotten a B almost a C in computer class?
[Section 5 Friends]

Do you belong to a crew: a big group as I like to call it!
Do you hang out with the opposite sex: in school!!!
Do you trust your friends: depends
Are you a good friend: ask them!
Can you keep a secret: ooo a secret let me hear it please please!!???
Do you have a best friend: yes

[Section 6 The last person you]

Hugged: my pillow!!!
Left comments on your LJ/GJ: Kayla, alyson, kristin
IM ed: karina
Talked to on the phone: mo mom
Yelled at: AMAZING I haven’t yelled in so long!!!
Tripped: myself…..STOP THAT LAUGHING!!
Turned down: ok ok this really isn’t funny!!!

Section 7 [ PERSONAL ]

+ What do you want to be when you grow up?: ACTRESS or a pastry chef
+ What was the worst day of your life?: the day the music died! Sory it’s a song!
+ What is your most embarrassing story?: the day Joey’s aunt said that I was going to marry joey and it was going to be the wedding of the century!
+ What has been the best day of your life?: STAR WARS WEEKEND!!!!!!
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: the boyfriend jokes have to stop…I love MILHOUSE
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them?: in the back of my head so then I really can say I have eyes in the back of my head!!!!
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: the things I want to dream about!!!!


+ Movie: look I could sit hear all day and list them but hears the begining star wars, return to me, who framed roger rabbit, blues brothers!!!
+ Song: idk...tons of them
+ Singer: ALOT
+ Store: department stores in the mall especially during christmas
+ Relative: a bunch of deaf yelling Italians what else could I ask for?
+ Vacation Spot: in the mountains
+ Holiday: Christmas Halloween!!
+ Day of the Week: Saturday!!!!!
+ Color: blue green pink purple
+ Magazine: seventeen
+ Name for a Girl: Angela, lillyana, Alexandria
+ Name for a Boy: Patrick, Hayden, Adrian

Section 9 [ DO YOU . . .]

+ Like to give hugs: im italian that’s how we say hello
+ Like to walk in the rain?: yes
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? : always a shirt !
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: black
+ Dress up on Halloween?:one night out of the year where its leagal to dress up like a weirdo and beg my neighbors for candy!! HECK YEA!!!!!!!
+ Have a job ?: whats a JOB???
+ Like to travel?: love it!!!!
+ Like someone?: MILHOUSE
+ Sleep on your side, tummy, or back?: TUMMY!
+ Want to marry?: yes
+ Have a goldfish?: used too couldn’t kill it….our neighbors could!!!!
+ Ever have the falling dream?: yes…I always wake up right as I hit the ground!
+ Have stuffed animals?: yuppers and they all have names!!!!


+ Abortion: personally I DON’T THINK SO world wide TO MUCH and for the country people can make their own decisions but they should have to think about it for the rest of their lives!!!
+ Bill Clinton: what could ever make u think he had sexually relations with that women???
+ Eating Disorders: MOST women are supposed to have curves, who ever said that barfing up all your food was good idear should be shot!!!! Maybe if we looked at boys like they look at us we wouldn’t feel that bad!
+ Suicide: how do u get that lonely nobody knows
+ Summer: it’s the most laziest time of the year!!!
+ Piercing's: ears are enough for me
+ Make-up: I wear mascara powder and eyeshadow
+ Drinking: if u drink and drive your are very very stupid!!!!
+ Smoking: EWW no thank you smelly people
+ Girls: toooooooo much drama!!!
+ Guys: I wish there was this power were u can see what they were thinking!!! If there was none the world would be a lot of fat happy women with no crime!!!!!!hahaha


+ Pierced nose or tongue?: nose
+ Be serious or funny?: funny….because if the world was serious we would die really fast!!!!!
+ Single or taken?: single and loving it as if I need another headache in my life!!!
+ Simple or Complicated?: S-I-M-P-L-E P-L-E-A-S-E
+ Law or anarchy?: law because rules are ment to be broken and u can just get warned! Anarchy NO because if u break the law OFF WITH UR HEAD!!!!!!
+ MTV or BET?: VH1
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: all in the family
+ Sugar or salt?: sugar
+ Silver or gold?: silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring?: belly button
+ Chocolate or flowers?: flowers smell good chocolate tastes good
+ Angels or miracles?: miracles….i believe
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: wedding pictures black and white color for everything else
+ Sunrise or sunset?: sunrise the dawning of a new day and how the sun comes out of the ocean…well it looks like it!
+ Rap or Rock?: crap I mean rap stinks ROCK PLEASE!
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: well usually when u stay up late u have to sleep in late!
+ TV or radio?: tv only for movies radio for MUSIC
+ Hot or cold?: cold
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: well im short so it doesn’t matter everyone is taller
+ Sun or moon?: moon....sun is too hot!!!
+ Diamond or Ruby?: diamond are a girls best friend
+ Left or Right?: right
+ Cat or dog?:im a dog person
+ Half-empty or Half-full?: if its something good half full if its something bad half empty
+ Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup….the sauce for everything
+ Newspaper or Magazine?: magazine
+ Spring or Fall?: fall..all the leaves
+ Rain or snow?: snow….slegh riding and santa clause!
+ Lace or satin?: satin sheets…lace curtains
+ Happy or sad?: happy…DURR
+ Corduroy or plaid?: stripes but that inclues plaid
+ Wonder or amazement?: amazment
+ sneakers or sandals?: flippies!!!
+ Mexican or Italian food?: were have u been this whole time ITALIAN FOOD!!!!!!
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