
Dec 27, 2012 11:18

I've begun working on the fic again, newest piece   here.  I've got a bunch of started-and-stopped pieces on the computer; I don't know if I'll wind up using them, or if they'll just end up in the outtakes folder.  The 2012 Giants season has certainly given me enough to work with.  ;-)

While on sabbatical this semester I discovered I really hate doing academic writing full-time.  This is good, since I'm only off one semester every seven years.  So I  I got a lot done on the academic book, but I'm now weirdly looking forward to being back in the classroom.  I've discovered I can only write fic in the midst of daily life.  If I set time aside for it, it doesn't happen, but if I try to fit it in the interstices of Everything Else, it just develops naturally.

S and I are in California for a couple weeks to see friends and family.  We had Christmas with my family in Pt Reyes - rainy, so we had a big fire and played scrabble and got on each others' nerves,  And we ate too much, took a few good walks when the sun was shining, got muddy and sandy, and after all, isn't that what Christmas is about?

Happy New Year to y'all.  How many days till Spring Training?  

rl, slash

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