Fourth Capsule

Dec 08, 2009 10:38

[Something strange'd happened here. X recalled two recent events: entering his rest-cycle not long after the end of Halloween, and subsequently dreaming about a conversation with a girl in a demon-filled mansion. The next day had seemed normal enough, apart from some disorientation that he'd chalked up to the dream. Through workmates and general interactions, however, X learned that an entire month had passed, and he'd apparently missed every day of it (for which the blue android had apologized profusely). Further, the consensus seemed to be that he'd disappeared during that time; nobody'd had any contact with him, and a few had even dared to wonder that he was among the "vanished"...and perhaps most strangely of all, that disorientation hasn't faded.]

[Ah, but that's not even the end of it...]

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry about...not being around. I don't even know what happened. The rest sequence seemed normal, but when I got up the next day, it had been a whole month. Some of the people I've talked to say that I disappeared, but all I remember before waking up was having this weird dream. I've also got a buzzing in my head I can't get rid of. It kind of reminds me of Oktoberfest. I didn't pick up some of that weird beer again, did I?

Something else's happened too. I found a letter promising me memories if I gave a gift to someone, and I'm not supposed to say who it is. The problem here is that I've never done this before, not since I've been on the island anyway. Can anyone help? I should be alright with just a few pointers.

[OOC: laaaaawl failpost is fail, but at least we've got one, right? XD]

secret santa, event

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