Five Ways to Wear a Hat
By (Censorted by Grand Order of MandyLand Inc.)
Just as in any other piece of clothing or decoration,
You can wear a hat almost any conceivable way.
You can wear it normally, of course, as if it were
Really just a hat, just a few shreds of cloth attached
Correctly, to protect the head and nothing more,
Not used to hide or dissemble. But what fun is that?
You can pull the rim and bill low, hiding, absorbing,
Consuming your forehead and brow, thrusting the
Hat before you like a talisman or a precious charm,
Using it to shield your mind until the day it consumes you.
You can turn the hat around, tilted slightly so that
The bill rests on the back of your neck, a comforting,
Reassuring grasp, an attempt at evening out the
Discomfort of the charade, the warping of the hat.
You can 'place' it upon your head, in perfect lazy fashion,
Hiding that you spent fifteen minutes to create such a balance
Of uncaring look, yet letting it still sit upon your head when a
Wind blows across the earth, trying with all its might to ruin you.
Of course, the final solution, the most dangerous to others,
Is to keep it on your coat-rack, menacingly placed,
A threat, completely unveiled and ready to be used,
Awaiting only a need to strike.
Please, rip this to shreds if you find the smallest thing about it you don't like or you think makes it a poorer poem than it could be. I want to improve it, yet the worst review part I've gotten so far is that it did what I intended it to do.