Master list of fic claims

May 05, 2020 01:26

So recently, I got a reason to look back on all the fics I was supposed to write for several challenge communities. I choked. I fucking choked. Way back when, when I said I had a deathwish for this, I wasn't joking. 279 303 305 320 318, give or take a few. In fact... Only give. There is no taking in this.

Of this completed are: a measly number of 36 38 39 40 41 46 57 60 64 66 72 75 78.
243 241 240 264 263 262 264 279 274 263 260 256 277 268 265 240 still to be written.


I... could've sworn I had Noa/Bakura there, but it's not on their list anymore. I even had odd 20 sentences finished too. Wha--? Oh, well. Minus one. This... won't make my life any easier though. I think I'll just write it for the kicks, anyway.

Long since done and out of this count:
Final Fantasy VII
Kadaj/Yazoo - Borderline || PG+

Final Fantasy XIII compilation
Lightning/Noctis - The way we fall || PG

Yami no Matsuei
Muraki/Saki - Obsession || PG-13

Yami no Bakura/Amelda - Breathe in freedom || PG+
Thief King Bakura/High Priest Seto - Cold as ice, deceptive as desert sand || PG+


Alois Trancy and Claude Faustus

1. Smile for me. Of A Smile || G
2. Don't cry. Tears Never Moved A Mountain || G
3. Shut up. Non-golden Silence || G
4. Leave me alone.
5. Never give up.
6. Tell me the truth. A Demon's Truth || G
7. Go to hell.
8. Take off your clothes. Take Me || PG-13
9. Fall in love with me. Conditional || G
10. Give me another chance.

11. Make it possible.
12. Never believe me.
13. Don't lie to me. A Kingdom Of Lies || G
14. Hate me. Hate Me || G
15. Do as I say.


Genjo Sanzo

01. Sanzo/Goku - air conditioner: Nightmares || G
02. Sanzo/Hazel - sake: Silence || G
03. Sanzo/Kami-sama - ballroom dancing: Dance with Death || G
04. Sanzo/Yaone - a blunt object: Blunt || G
05. Sanzo/Kougaiji - scissors: Unwilling partnership || G
06. Sanzo/Sanzo!clone - gun:
07. Sanzo/Koumyou - grace: Bound by nothing || G
08. Sanzo/Hakkai - eight: After Rain || G
09. Sanzo/Konzen - the truth: Sometimes || G
10. Sanzo/Gojyo - hydrogen:


Sumeragi Subaru

01. Subaru/Karen - navigation: Tangent || G
02. Subaru/Yuzuriha - look to the sky: A better place || G
03. Subaru/Kakyou - freedom: Darkness || G
04. Subaru/Satsuki - calligraphy: Fated || G
05. Subaru/Arashi - a midsummer night: One Wish || G
06. Subaru/Hokuto - head in the clouds: The Picture || G
07. Subaru/Nataku - disoriented: Broken path || G
08. Subaru/Fuuma - Pandora's box: Ghost of you || PG
09. Subaru/Kamui - without a name: We Could Be || PG-13+
10. Subaru/Seishirou - paranoia: Haunting || PG-13



01. lake: Cherished moments || PG-13
02. on a roof: For the Reunion || PG+
03. forest: A Sleeping Feeling || G
04. in the rain:
05. bar:
06. small cafe:
07. the mountains: Destination: Unknown || PG
08. museum: in progress
09. back yard: Rage unleashed || PG-13
10. emergency room:
11. Bonus. wonderland: Into the Light || PG



01. ice:
02. delusion:
03. lust: Lust || PG-13 04. weapons:
05. time:
06. sick; sickness: Somehow || PG-13
07. gamble:
08. explosion:
09. wisdom; wise:
10. overdose:
11. faith:
12. one night stand; fling: On the subject of lists || PG-13

13. movies; books:
14. vacation:
15. Online:
16. appointment:
17. night; evening:
18. temptation
19. innocence:
20. blood:



01. hunger:
02. addiction: Sealing || PG
03. lottery: You Are An Endless Tide || PG
04. hot water:
05. greed:
06. pets: Somewhat Of A Pet Problem || PG
07. procrastination:
08. storms:
09. mockery: You Weave The Darkness Like A Shroud || PG
17. night; evening:
18. temptation
12. death

19. innocence:
20. blood:


Reno/Shelke - Through The Storm, a single fic with approximately 20 chapters.

13. Candlelit Loss: Chapter 1: Through the storm || G
11. Rainy Day Inferno: Chapter 2: Stepping stones || G

01. Fiery Days.
02. Frozen Sparks.
03. Warm Glow.
04. Decaying Conflagration.
05. Sealed With Wax.
06. Eternal Sunset.
07. Fireflies of Smoke.
08. Falling Star.
09. Melting Into Dreams.
10. Silent Embers.
12. Blaze of Glory.
14. Incendiary Comment.
15. Fluttering Flame.
16. Wick's End.



001. You were never mine to begin with - Together on their own || PG
002. I'm willing to sacrifice anything just for you - Echoing || PG+
003. Find me in the dark - Incomplete || PG
008. One last date - Reverie || PG
010. Together itsumo (Together always) - Unspoken Union || PG
014. Guardian Angel - Guardian Angel || G
015. Telling you the truth - Kotoba || G
017. Black Wings; Wings - Winged || G
023. Like an art piece - All-one || PG
025. Release of the evils - Release of the evils || PG+
027. I'm soulless without you - Missing, Not Missed || G
031. Finally together - Finality || PG
033. Bonus: I feel peace at night - A peaceful feeling || G
036. Bonus: Don't worry, I'll always be by your side - Sidelong || PG
038. Bonus: Alone at night - Solitary View || PG
040. Bonus: It's just a nightmare - Recycled Feelings || G


Yu-Gi-Oh!, general fandom

01. Fool: Seto Kaiba - Dead End Game || G
07. Chariot: Mai, Valon - Comeback || G
08. Strength: Mokuba Kaiba - Strength || G
13. Death: Malik Ishtar - Changing || G
15. Devil: Bakura, Noa - Virtual Reality || G
18. Moon: Thief King Bakura - Shadowside || G
24. Ace of Cups: Anzu, Yami, Yuugi - Tryptich: Left side || G
28. Two of Cups: Anzu, Yami, Yuugi - Tryptich: Centrepiece || G
32. Three of Cups: Anzu, Yami, Yuugi - Tryptich: Right side || G
33. Three of Swords: Mai, Varon - Going Down || G
37. Four of Swords: Amelda, Seto Kaiba - Reconnaissance || G
40. Five of Cups: Priest Seto, Kisara - Inessential || PG
43. Six of Wands: Yuugi, Anzu - When in doubt... || G
45. Six of Swords: Mai, Valon - Opportune Meetings || G
62. Ten of Pentacles: Shizuka, Honda - Eternal Limits || G
70. Knight of Pentacles: Honda, Shizuka - Guardian Duty || G


Kadaj/Yazoo (Oh god, do you see a pattern yet?)

001. Beginnings - Escape || PG+
002. Middles - Chainlink || G
030. Death - Preordained || PG
033. Too Much - Too Much || PG+
034. Not Enough - Not Enough || PG+

+ 9 individual requests;
only 2 3 of which are done.

Master list of fics written outside of the "claims" shenanigans can be found HERE will open up in new window unless you have popups blocked from lj.

master list of fic, fanfic!post

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