(no subject)

Apr 26, 2008 01:37

Was creative. Was productive. Wrote stuff. Words flowed. Wrote stuff that I like. Did not keep up with RP. Will attempt to do so today afternoon.
Want to write more stuff, but don't like anything of what I've started and none of the new ideas appeal to me on an exceptional level.

Kadaj x Yazoo? I fucking hate writing it. Just... ugh. Do.Not.Want. Not today.

Same applies for Seto x Amelda, but to a much MUCH lesser extent. I kind of fancy picking up some of the things I started ages ago and finishing them. After all, I did recover all of my notes regarding these two. All I need is to type them up, edit them, and expand on some of the ideas in there if need be.

Need to get back to rewriting Twisted; people start getting suspicious and worried, not getting updates on it for two years straight. D:

Someone wanted my feedback on stuff. Have forgotten who that was, but have a slight inkling. In case that person is reading this: Sorry, but your fic was/had either: too horrible spelling & grammar/too basic and uninteresting plot/overdone themes written in overdone manner/screaming & raging Mary-Sue for me to stick around and see it through to the end, OR I lost the link to it. D:

I'm not tired, but I feel drained and uh, how did Bilbo put it? "Stretched out and thin?" That pretty much nails how I feel right now, except I don't have The One Ring in my possession. I just want to go D: at a LOT of things/people/the entire fucking world right now.

EDIT: In fact, that's exactly what I'll do.

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