Oh, the irony of life...

Feb 18, 2008 13:13

Ahahaha. Nothing like a good old-fashioned deadline hand in hand with skipping a few lectures at university to get me to write again.
That, and nice sunny weather.

Title: Unwilling Partnership
Characters/Pairings: Genjo Sanzo, Kougaiji
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, really. Maybe some really minor spoilers for those who haven't gotten far into Reload yet.
Summary: Usually, they are enemies. But sometimes they find themselves on the same side.

|| Kougaiji was like running around with scissors. ||

# Kadaj x Yazoo for 10settings -- 3/11
# Kadaj x Yazoo for 30_nights -- 1/40
# Kadaj x Yazoo for fanfic100 -- 2/100 [why yes, I am heading for a suicide here, why do you ask? >_> ]
# Shelke x Reno for 16candles_fics -- 0/20
# Genjo Sanzo for 10_whores -- 5/10
# Sumeragi Subaru for 10_whores -- 5/10
# + random request fics, old unfinished ones, personal darlings -- somewhere between 15 to 25

...it's a suici~ide, baby, watch me stumble and fa~all...
/random lyrics

progress report for the sake of it, saiyuki, fanfic!post

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