I was sitting and staring at my homework, completely incapable of concentrating and understanding what the hell do they want of me.
And I was thinking.
We talk and talk, and talk, and talk. But we don't hear each other. Worse yet. We don't want to hear each other. And if we do care to listen, we just pick one certain phrase and concentrate on it as if it's the bane of our existence, as if it's the most important thing ever.
When it's NOT.
It's just one damn sentence taken out of the context. It doesn't prove anything. It doesn't mean anything when it's on its own. Life isn't just yes and nos. There are buts and ifs, and maybes. And there are wrongs and false rights, and pretend half-truths. And then there is reality and how things really are.
And there are questions that you can't answer with just a no or just a yes.
It's no because. And it's yes if. And other variations thereof.
And I'm sick and tired of people taking things out of context. I listen to whatever they have to say before speaking up myself. And what's the thanks for my consideration? They jump in right after the first sentence, demanding my opinion on this and that, and that too when I'm just in the goddamn process of telling them everything I think about this matter.
Seriously though -- is it too much of me to ask of them to listen to me first? Would save a hell of a lot of trouble for both sides.
And people wonder why I get snappy and intolerant... Of course I will get rather rude if I'm forced to repeat the same thing over and over again and they still insist that, "It's not what you said before!"
It is, goddamnit! I just wasn't done talking when their holiness chose to interrupt me. >_<
So. In conclusion. Have more patience and use it to listen to other people talk. IT IS IMPORTANT, DAMNIT!