"You're the kid now. You don't have to take care of me"

Feb 02, 2010 23:31


IT IS HERE IT IS FINALLY HERE AND YET! I am still undecided about watching it tomorrow or on Friday. I was initially going to wait till Friday because I feel like the season premiere is so particularly auspicious and thus deserved of a High Definition-comfort-of-my-living-room viewing BUT... Lost is not just a tv show, it's an ( Read more... )

tv: soaps, tv: lost, tv: life unexpected, tv: big bang theory

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Comments 45

alsoimaginary February 2 2010, 23:34:46 UTC
I haven't been able to watch Life Unexpected yet. Is the pilot good or is it something that I can just skip over? Because I feel like I've seen most of it just from going on Tumblr anyways.

HE LOOKS SO DIFFERENT NOW. I remember loving Shawn dearrrrrrrly but he was just a baby! NOW HE IS SO GROWN UP, WOW. They had him in like four minutes of today's General Hospital and your posts where the first thing I thought of. SO YOUNG!


lightredemption February 2 2010, 23:38:34 UTC
UHM, I think you should watch the pilot! Because it's sweet and you would like it! Plus there are only three episodes so you don't have thaaaat much to catch up on. But I think you could start watching right now and not be confused. probably.

I KNOW RIGHT. BOTH OF THEM ARE SO OLD, IT SADDENS ME DEEPLY. AHHH, REALLY???! Do you think they'll give him an actual storyline?!


violentirony February 2 2010, 23:44:45 UTC
Butting in just say that I am in love with your icon.
I like Spixie but man do I want Matt/Maxie together badly. I hate that they have him on GH just to show him once in a blue moon for 2 minutes.


lightredemption February 2 2010, 23:58:28 UTC
I hate that they have him on GH just to show him once in a blue moon for 2 minutes
RIIIIIGHT? I actually don't understand why they don't use him! It legitimately confuses me!


violentirony February 2 2010, 23:43:18 UTC
Aww, Shelle!
They are just perfect.

I still haven't seen Life Unexpected. It's just that the main girl bothers me for some reason and even though I like Shiri her voice irritates me. Also, I can't get over the fact that those two brunettes had such a blond girl LMAO. But, mt Rafi is in this so I might have to get over and watch just for him.


lightredemption February 3 2010, 00:06:24 UTC

haha, a lot of people say this but I swear she isn't bad! And I TOTALLY had weird issues with hair colour as well but in the last episode you find out that the dad's mother has blonde hair - so they do TRY to explain it, heh. But watch it! It's looooovely


violentirony February 3 2010, 00:08:26 UTC
She isn't as annoying as she seems?
dad's mother has blonde hair
LMFAO well that's something.

I might just have to. I can't keep watching Nick & Norah just to get a does of Rafi, hehe.


huglock February 2 2010, 23:53:52 UTC
UGH I'M SO JEALOUS OF PEOPLE WATCHING LOST. I'm behind by half a season so I can't watch it tonight or anytime relatively soon until I catch up. Enjoy! And just tell me if it was everything you wished it could be so I could live vicariously through your experience - spoiler free of course!


lightredemption February 3 2010, 00:08:19 UTC
Ohhh, you should catch up! I mean half a season must only be a handful of episodes, no? Like I said, you don't want to miss the ~*~experience~ ha


huglock February 2 2010, 23:55:30 UTC
Also I have to say that moment at the end when Baze sort of lets Bug know that he has his eye on him - that hand motion he did and then Lux laying her head down on Cate's shoulder was too beautiful and sweet for my life. Like, I know people hate how saccharine it could be but I EAT THAT CRAP UP WITH A SPOON.


lightredemption February 3 2010, 00:10:51 UTC
I didn't know you were watching but YES, I AGREEEE. And it fit so perfectly with the soft lighting in the dark. I think I might have teared up at about five different points in the course of one episode. TRUE STORY.


(The comment has been removed)

lightredemption February 3 2010, 00:13:13 UTC
I am so jealous of people who get to watch it LIVE, GOSH.

haha, yes! It was A++ mostly due to Jim Parsons(as usual, heh)


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