Yes, I'm listening to Hanson.

Jan 02, 2010 22:14

OH MAN, my New Year's Eve. I feel like this is probably a long and perhaps not-so-javascript:void(0);interesting story but I am telling it ANYWAY. Basically, we had decided to go into Central London because there is always a massive fireworks display over the Thames every year. We got there at about 8-ish (FOUR HOURS BEFORE MIDNIGHT) because if you cut it too close, they begin to section off the streets due to the massive crowds of people. Also: this was supposedly the coldest night of the year. But that part wasn't so bad, actually and we managed to pass the time quite quickly even though it was FREEZING. I wore THREE PAIRS OF SOCKS (THREE!!!!) but about two hours in, I had no feeling in my toes. Despite all of that, midnight came and we saw the fireworks (we had a SPECTACULAR view, we were pretty much right in front of the London Eye) and it was amaaaaziiiiiiing. ABSOLUTELY, ABSOLUTELY worth waiting for. And then about five minutes after it had struck midnight and the fireworks had ended, it started to snow! Not, heavily but it was like: MOVIE-MAGIC-MOMENT, so surreal.

Up until that point, everything had been great. BUT THEN WE HAD TO GET HOME. OH. DEAR. GOD. We had parked the car at a station that was quite far away and then taken the train (translation: subway) to Westminister (which is where the fireworks were) but at midnight they had closed it because there were tooooons of people. So we had to walk to the next station which took about 10 times longer than it should have because of all of the people, and everyone was drunk and the policemen were on their horses so there was shit everywhere and when we got to the next station: THAT WAS CLOSED TOO. So we decided to walk to the station where the cars were parked (if you are knowledgable about London: from Trafalgar Square to Baker Street) and there were broken bottles EVERYWHERE and it was just, ugh. FORTUNATELY! We didn't have to walk all the way to where the cars were because there was a station closer-by that was still opened. So, finally made it to the cars and we were driving back and talking about how gross really-drunk-people-in-public are when this car collided with ours from behind. The driver was drunk, etc but I think their car had been damaged more than ours though the scariest thing was more the immediate shock than anything else. So! After aallll of that we got home at 3.30-ish. NEVER AGAIN, MY FRIENDS. Never. Again.

Moving on: I FINISHED CHUCK!!!! In like, four days (and I thought I would have problems getting done by the time season 3 started!) BUT I COULDN'T STOP. I would finish one episode and then be like: gfgjfkgjdf NEXT!!!!! It was becoming quite problematic but now I'm sad that I watched it so quickly because I can't be bothered to wait an entire week for another episode!


Ok, I don't really have DEFINITIVE thoughts and I don't want to ramble (I'm going to end up rambling) so I'll split this up into points (thus this will probably be the least organised thing you will ever see ever)

01) I am SO bored by Buy More and all the people in it that are not Chuck and Casey. I mean Morgan and everyone else are all endearing enough but there were so many episodes where they would have storylines that were so detached from everything that Chuck was doing and I get that a lot of the time it's supposed to be comic relief and it's supposed to balance things if there's something darker going on but EVERY TIME I would find myself saying "get back to chuck get back to chuck" and theeeen I ended up skipping bits involving them if they didn't impact on the rest of the episode. THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE REASONS I MANAGED TO GET THROUGH TWO SEASONS SO QUICKLY.

02) Ellie & Captain Awesome!!!! I have such a big thing for pre-show established relationships that involve happy people who also happen to be disgustingly pretty. And it helps that they are so great as individuals as well. This should probably be it's own bullet point but: ELLIE/CHUCK!!! I lah-oooove them. They were probably my favourite relationship back in season one (I still ADORE them now) because she is so invested in his life and his happiness, it is like her main priority always. It's so sweet that Chuck seems to get upset the most when all the spy-stuff interferes with Ellie/Awesome as opposed to anything else.

03) JOHN MOTHERFUCKING CASEY. OHMYGOD YOU GUYS, OHMYGOD. I went into this show already having massive amounts of love for Adam Baldwin so at first I was all: Casey!!! purely on principle but I so genuinely LOVE him now. He's like the Harry to Sarah and Chuck's Hermione and Ron and his indignation and sense of loyalty and thennn at the end of season two when he helped with the wedding and was all "YOU RANG?" AND I WAS ALL: HOLY SHIT, YES SIR. ALSO: John Casey and Jayne Cobb should meet. I feel like they would get along really well if it weren't for the fact that Jayne is kind of an outlaw and all

04) SARAH WALKER. GKDJGDKLGJDLSKGJDSLKSJD. Admittedly when I first started I was ambivalent about her and for that I AM SORRY BECAUSE I ADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE HER NOW. I mean, disregarding the fact that Yvonne I-can't-spell-her-surname-one-day-I-will-try is GORGEOUS in every single way possible and the fact that she's so kick-ass, I love her inner conflict in terms of emotional involvement. Chuck and Casey are basically two extremes. With Casey it's just NO and with Chuck it's just something he doesn't even question because he's not a spy but seeing Sarah's vulnerability as she actually struggles with her feelings and attempting to resist them vs. doing the right thing and what really IS the right thing? And the episodes devoted to her past! I am so glad they did those, I ADORE HER.


I adore Casey and Sarah's dynamic - not in a romantic way - the fact that they were almost on opposite sides at the beginning and now they work so well together! And you hardly see them having conversations but that's ok with me, really. Though when they do have actual scenes that are not of the physical violence variety, they are the beeeest. 2x18 (Chuck vs. The Broken Heart) is my favourite episode of the show - and I LOVE the scene towards the end where Casey tells the new agent that Sarah is the best partner he's ever had. IT DID THINGS TO MY HEART. I doubt that they will ever hug, BUT THEY SHOULD OK. MAKE IT HAPPEN, SHOW. Oh oh oh, and I just love the team in general - it BROKE MY HEART when they were 'against each other' in 2x21 but the ending was absolutely perfect SO ALL IS GOOD. THE THREE OF THEM ARE MY FAVOURITES.

06) CHUCK AND SARAH. Yessss, especially if you follow me on tumblr, you MUST have seen this coming! I'll keep it short since I've already typed an essay but I wasn't SUPER into them in season one which was ok with me because I still liked the show. I think it had to do with it not being fully reciprocal or the way they were portraying it BUT THEN SEASON TWO HAPPENED AND SHE LOVES HIM SO, SO, SO MUCH. AND JUST, I CAN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT IT.


Chuck: Close your eyes

I wont even attempt to do this next scene because I would just end up having 20000 screencaps, I SWEAR - because every second of the scene contains something that make me go "ohhhhhhhhhmygoooood" SO I will just leave you with these two guh-worthy screencaps:

07) Why does Alexandra Patsavas keep re-using music between shows? They played Slow Show at the beginning of season one and then in 2x16 (I thiiiiink?) they played Signs by Bloc Party. I have to say though - and do not kill me since I know it's like, illegal for people to say good things about Gossip Girl - I thought it was used to better effect in the Gossip Girl episode.


tv: chuck, my real life tag

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