"Well, if it were up to me over fifties wouldn't be allowed to wear sleeveless shirts"

Sep 10, 2009 00:45

WHAT, YOU DIDN'T KNOW I WATCHED THIS SHOW? Well, I don't really. I mean, there were some scenes I wanted to see but they weren't up on YouTube so I ended up downloading and then watching the entire thing. I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun it was!

OK BUT SERIOUSLY, the old guy? How unattractive was he? Was he really the best they could find because... NO.

I loved the whole Naomi/Silver/Adrianna dynamic. I know the first part of the show consisted mostly of them giggling and being rich while lying in the sun but I was still thoroughly entertained. I don't remember this trio-esque dynamic from last season but if it's a new addition, it's definitely a welcome one! Also, I feel like the show is more decadent now? I don't know, if I'm going to watch rich people being rich, I need for it to be excessive otherwise it's just not enjoyable.

I can never find things to enjoy in storylines involving babies/pregnancies. I'm all for everything soapy but in this case I can never work up the effort to care. Also, this episode deserves a drinking game. Drink everytime Adrianna says the word "drama"

Ha, I really like these two. Navid's hair! Dixon's sunglasses! They are an endless source of amusement.

Annie spends most of the episode being weepy and depressed because she accidentally killed someone and decided to not tell anyone. OH, TEEN ANGST.

I'm pretty sure this guy was on Days of our lives? I can't be bothered to IMDB it but I'm 98.8% sure! ALSO: HE IS ANNOYING. He's not pretty. He's beefy and blonde which is pretty eugh, I feel. But Naomi was all glowy in this scene - so pretty!


I loved this scene! I also love how Naomi towers over Annie, causing her to literally cower in fright. BUT SERIOUSLY. HOW UNATTRACTIVE IS THIS GUY? His hammy acting was A+ though!

Things I love about Adrianna: the colour of her lipstick here, her height!

That was a nice kiss. I'm not really into Silver/Dixon though. They were all angsty and overdramatic here which normally I lovelovelove but I felt like their dynamic has already been long established and it didn't suit the episode at all. That being said, I still don't mind them. I could appreciate the scene for what it was without getting annoyed or invested. I WISH I COULD BE THIS WAY WITH ALL SHIPS.

Teddy's a bit of a douche. He's not even a pretty douche. He has nothing going for him.

Meh, I'm not really into these two either. I do like that penultimate screencap though. AND NAVID'S HAIR IS STILL AMUSING!!! Their relationship just feels stale and lacklustre to me.


I love that in the midst of all of this, Naomi take's Navid's non-alcoholic wine and is still able to comment with a "What is this?"

OH HARSH, DIXON. It kind of feels like he's always refusing to hear the other side of the argument and I guess he has reason to in most cases but LOOK HOW PRETTY SILVER IS WHEN SHE'S DEVESTATED.

Navid's face throughout this entire sequence is magnificent: CONSTANT WOE.

I loved the way this scene was done in Buffy and this feels like an exact rip-off but IT'S OK!!! I LOVE MELODRAMATIC BREAKUP SCENES. ALSO, I'm a little bit in love with Jessica Stroup's face. I've never noticed how utterly lovely she is. Her new haircut really brings out her features - also she seems to always be unabashedly grinning! I LOVE THAT.


HIS FACE! PUPPY DOG EYES! And and and! When she turns around and walks away, he kind of gulps or swallows in a difficult and pained manner. And I love how shaken she is. ALSO, HE IS SUCH A BROODY CLICHE, LEANING AGAINST THE LOCKERS LIKE THAT BUT STILL. I LOVE IT. I love Liam's facebook-stalking ways and Naomi's overexcited jumping on the bed-ness because she can hardly contain herself. LIKE "I DIDN'T EXPECT TO BE THIS EXCITED OR ENAMORED BY YOU AND REALLY I SHOULDN'T BE BUT I AM. I AM I AM I AM." OH you guys, I think I really like them. Well, clearly. Since I ended up picspamming the entire episode but you know what I mean.

tv: 90210

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