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Jan 28, 2005 01:39

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Book list part Deux!! lucyleary January 30 2005, 04:00:06 UTC
Politics! (Everyone's favorite subject, I'll also include like medevial and classical in here,because you guys should of read these! )
Noam Chomsky: If you have not read one Noam chomsky book. You are slow and have no right to claim you are even close to being politically savvy. So go pick one. He has like ten! pick one. They are great. in the make you feel like killing yourself for being so apathetic for all these years kind of way.

Al Franken- Lies, and the Lying liars who tell them.: technically a Humor book. Any "liberal" should read it. He dissects Ann Coulter (Our favorite lady) and the government today. It's awesome. He spends a lot more time on his research then Micheal Moore. And he's a little more Politically oriented, and a little more, hwo to say this nicely, literate.

Ann Coulter-How to talk to a liberal ( If you have to):Laugh, just laugh. Seriously, Laugh until you vomit.

Kathryn &Ross Petras-Unusually stupid Americans- For those who love to laugh at all stupid people. You must read this must must must must must!!!

Gene Stone- The Bush survival Bible: For the brokenhearted liberal/democrat/whig/green/constitutional/reform party member in your family. This give you countries to move to, antidepressants that work. And ways to keep your self busy, short of cryogenically freezing yourself for the next four years. Is it funny? why yes it is.

Bill Clinton-My Life: Though not what many people would think of as a must read. But it is. He maybe "slick" and an asshole. But he was a goddamn good president and i give the man mad props for that. FOrnicate on my brother!

Aneid-Ovid: People seriously. I mean seriously, i shouldnt have to put this here, it's like me putting homer on here. it should of been READ!! A LONG TIME AGO!! NOW GO AND READ IT!!

Beowulf- Here is the deal. Beowulf is not by anyone in particular there are translated versions avaliable. Okay? If you slept through 12th grade enlish, you should read this. Why? because it's fucking Beowulf!

Miscellany (Ahhhh the joys!)

Joe Edelman-Useless Knowledge-Seriously that's what it is. It tells you about Nasa spider webs and drugs. The biggest canyon pointless useless shit you'll never need to know unless you are on jeopardy. Even then, you probably wont need to know this stuff. But it is funny.

Paul Nardizzi- 602 reasons to be ticked off: i laughed so hard at this book at lunch i had to stop reading it because i was in tears. Just the way he writes things is funny. He is wonderful and great. And he says things you really wish you could say.

Shakspeare- I wanst sure where to put shakespeare because well he's not really literature and in Borders he has his own section. Which is so aptly titled Shakespeare. And he could be considered class lit and renissance. But I digress. Anyways he's under misc. Because it fit it best. So yeah, carrying on. We've read a lot of shakespeare in highschool. But never anything good! A few really excellent ones are as follows in no particular order: A midsummers night dream (this is by far his best work and my all time favorite), Merchant of Venice, Taming of the shrew, King Richard II, and King Henry IV.

Lemony Snickett-Series of Unfortunate events: Ahh yes i do love this series, just because it is funny. And a simple read, not mind numbingly boring, because it it geared toward a younger audience. I always find the books for younger audiences more entertaining because they dont drag out so much.

Thomas Harris- The Hannibal Seires: the movies were awesome (except well Hannibal itself, we wont go into that) And he's not fiction it's mystery/thriller. But the whole series, Start with red dragon, Silence of the Lambs, And Hannibal. They are really really really good books. No really good books.
Darwin awards: Need i really say more.


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