Jun 04, 2009 08:53
Yesterday in art class, we did collages! I think I finally found my medium. I got lots of compliments on it, and it made me incredibly happy to look at it. I may even frame it, it's so freaking awesome.
Today I have to give my presentation on Taming of the Shrew. I have lots of pictures to show off, and I will give a talk about the kinky sex life of Kate and Pertruchio. No joke! Then...
I have a spanish final to take next week. First the oral, then the written. My profesora just sent out the review packet. It has most everything we studied this quarter. I shall review, review, review. I found that last quarter's technique worked really well. I raised my grade from a 2.2 to a 3.0. Not bad eh?
A few other students and I are going down to the beach on the last day and throw ourselves off the dock. It will all finally be over... For the moment anyway.