::she wipes her face and opens the door. damnit! if only it was her brother instead, maybe shed be able to bear crying on his shoulder. telling him what happened. but no, leaving herself vulnerable and open with Johnny is a whole other off-limits Pandra's box of unwanted potential::
I got a B on one of my final papers! ::that sounds like something Plain Jean would cry over. she lets a dramatic sniffle in:: Its - It's stupid I know but I just - I knew the subject so well.
"What the- are you serious? You're a genius, how did you .." She knelt down next to her. "That's really not the end of the world, hey. You have Thor and your friends and come on. You're more than this, Jean. You're this big amazing bright sun and it's an honor to have you here. Now get out of that disgusting toilet before we catch something."
I know. ::pulls herself to stand and smooths her clothing. disheveled and a mess isn't a good look on anyone:: I know, you're right. Im being an idiot over this. It's just - Pam might get valediction if I slip again. Maybe I should let her, after the election. ::does she even care about things like that anymore? It feels almost foreign::
You're a pretty bright cookie yourself though. Don't discount that. ::forces smile and cheer over her personal terror::
"Pam? Tsk, she can probably only govern her wardrobe and make up collection. Don't let her get you down. If you want to feel shit, get a real reason, not slipping up. Somewhere underneath all this we're still humans." `Sadly.`
She followed her. "Clean yourself up, get your game face on and give the world back their Jean Grey."
::can't help but let out a relieved giggle at that:: She claimed to have real world experience and connections. Don't see how much of the real world applies here at all.
::nor does she even feel human. coming back from the dead, controling some immeasurable force of life and energy - or maybe it's controlling her. who even is Jean Grey and what is she returning to the world? Teenage existential crises aren't supposed to be like this::
Right. Game face. Are sports on a holiday hiatus or something? You seem to have an extra load of cheerleading to offer today.
She sighed and looked away. "You're not the first one that needs some cheering. Maybe I should a job of it. Anyway-"
She checked herself in the mirror. "I think we have created our own real world here, and I'm not talking about the annoying MTV show. Maybe the outside world simply needs to adjust a bit."
The real world isn't ready for this. We can barely manage it on a small scale. And the rest... they have other concerns. The economy. Social progress. International conflict.
Not saying the world isn't due for a good adjustment, but we're not it. Not yet. ::at least she's safer here, with likely situated individuals. all of this let loose into the world - she doesn't even want to think about the possible outcomes::
A brother who can't stop crying and putting stuff on fire.
"I think that we will have to be a part of that economy one day, Jean. And the other stuff. Maybe even be the reason for social progress. But that doesn't matter right now. You feel better?"
Oh come on, we are a part of that economy. We're bot so removed from the rest of the world. And I'll be front in line when we join in the social progress cause. But right now - most places can't even recognize equality when it comes to different sexual leanings. Evidence of human evolution in action? It's baby steps first.
::her stomach drops. She'd been momentarily distracted but its back now:: Uh... yeah. Thanks for taking my mind off things.
I will forever believe in a happy medium between persecution and separatism - I don't see that leading to much of a utopia at all. But enough of this! And not sucky at all! I've stopped crying, haven't I? ::on the outside at least:: Your cheer skills are excellent as always.
So, hey... how's Johnny? I feel like I never see him anymore. ::she dares not bring him up around Marie, still. inevitable awkwardness, reopened wounds. its not worth the hurt for either of them::
`You don't even hide it anymore, do you sweetheart?`
Fucking bi- She swallowed. "Thanks, I guess. Ma- she, uh- didn't she tell you?" Looked at the floor, scratched the back of her hair. "She broke up with him. Two days ago. H- he's a mess and I try to look for her to talk and understand it but- didn't she tell you? I can't find her anywhere and I know she's your friend but I'm so fucking an- confused. Confused."
She what?!?!? ::almost loses every air of grace she'd tried to regain since her meltdown. she knew something was wrong - why did she listen to Ms. Monroe?!?:: God something - something must have happened! With Sam gone, and... everything.
I'm sorry, I have to go. Give Johnny an extra hug from - well, not from me. From you. I have to find Marie. ::wipes her eyes again, emotion fighting its way through:: I've been so consumed... I have to make sure she's okay.
"She didn't tell you? What you're on ab- Sam? Mister Wilson?" He's gone? Raven had to fight down ugly laughter. Maybe she was getting lucky. "I really don't know what happened but ..okay." She nodded. "I will. Of course. Just came by to pick up some stuff from our lockers and ..I never saw him like this. If you find her, can you let me know? I'm not going to hurt her, it's just .." `I can't find the little sweet pea myself.`
*knocks on the door of the stall* "Hey, whoever's in there? You'kay?"
`Did your powers drop again? Because that would be disappointing.`
::she wipes her face and opens the door. damnit! if only it was her brother instead, maybe shed be able to bear crying on his shoulder. telling him what happened. but no, leaving herself vulnerable and open with Johnny is a whole other off-limits Pandra's box of unwanted potential::
I got a B on one of my final papers! ::that sounds like something Plain Jean would cry over. she lets a dramatic sniffle in:: Its - It's stupid I know but I just - I knew the subject so well.
I know. ::pulls herself to stand and smooths her clothing. disheveled and a mess isn't a good look on anyone:: I know, you're right. Im being an idiot over this. It's just - Pam might get valediction if I slip again. Maybe I should let her, after the election. ::does she even care about things like that anymore? It feels almost foreign::
You're a pretty bright cookie yourself though. Don't discount that. ::forces smile and cheer over her personal terror::
She followed her. "Clean yourself up, get your game face on and give the world back their Jean Grey."
::nor does she even feel human. coming back from the dead, controling some immeasurable force of life and energy - or maybe it's controlling her. who even is Jean Grey and what is she returning to the world? Teenage existential crises aren't supposed to be like this::
Right. Game face. Are sports on a holiday hiatus or something? You seem to have an extra load of cheerleading to offer today.
She checked herself in the mirror. "I think we have created our own real world here, and I'm not talking about the annoying MTV show. Maybe the outside world simply needs to adjust a bit."
Not saying the world isn't due for a good adjustment, but we're not it. Not yet. ::at least she's safer here, with likely situated individuals. all of this let loose into the world - she doesn't even want to think about the possible outcomes::
"I think that we will have to be a part of that economy one day, Jean. And the other stuff. Maybe even be the reason for social progress. But that doesn't matter right now. You feel better?"
::her stomach drops. She'd been momentarily distracted but its back now:: Uh... yeah. Thanks for taking my mind off things.
She sighed. "I guess I have to do my cheerleader tricks in the mirror to get myself going a bit next. I'm a sucky positivo."
So, hey... how's Johnny? I feel like I never see him anymore. ::she dares not bring him up around Marie, still. inevitable awkwardness, reopened wounds. its not worth the hurt for either of them::
Fucking bi- She swallowed. "Thanks, I guess. Ma- she, uh- didn't she tell you?" Looked at the floor, scratched the back of her hair. "She broke up with him. Two days ago. H- he's a mess and I try to look for her to talk and understand it but- didn't she tell you? I can't find her anywhere and I know she's your friend but I'm so fucking an- confused. Confused."
I'm sorry, I have to go. Give Johnny an extra hug from - well, not from me. From you. I have to find Marie. ::wipes her eyes again, emotion fighting its way through:: I've been so consumed... I have to make sure she's okay.
Raven had to fight down ugly laughter. Maybe she was getting lucky. "I really don't know what happened but ..okay." She nodded. "I will. Of course. Just came by to pick up some stuff from our lockers and ..I never saw him like this. If you find her, can you let me know? I'm not going to hurt her, it's just .." `I can't find the little sweet pea myself.`
Hurt her?!? Why would you even...
::but there's something strange and disjointed about her, come to think about it. almost glaringly obvious now, red flagging Jean's mid::
Dra.. no... Raven?!?!?
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