No Real Title

Apr 30, 2007 17:21

So, I suppose it's been a while since I've written an entry, and I do feel like writing, because I'm hoping it will get me out of this bumming mood I'm in. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm bummed, I just am. Perhaps I'm just tired. If this doesn't help, I'm sure Heroes will. (whoosh!)

Lab work is going well. I went through the period of not knowing what the hell was going on and being completely, pathetically useless to actually doing projects and such. I think I enjoy it, but these days it seems I have a little more... I guess it would be a little more cynicism towards the idea of enjoying something. I suppose I expect it to start sucking any time now. At least, the emotional side says that, the rational side says this is the best thing to happen to me, and I'm in my element.

Friday I got to see Spock's Beard down in the NYC. The band, as usual, was great. Not just that, but they have a great energy on stage, that comes off more like a bunch of guys goofing off and having fun than a band getting up on stage and playing for their fans. There were a couple of techinical difficulties that, as with most things, they were completely flippant about. Also, it was nice to be around people and talk to people about bands that I know about and like, and came away with a couple bands to check out as well.

Saturday I slept most of the day, since I got home at 3:30am. Still, I popped into the lab to innoculate some cultures that night before meeting Katie and Mark down at Chuck's. It was a weird crowd out that night... not in a good way. Everyone that is part of that scene on a regular basis was talking about it. Anyway, I came up with a brilliant idea... I started up conversations with girls, and would tell them I got feline leukemia. Unfortunately, it was too busy and as aforementioned the general group of people out stunk. So, I only got to tell three girls, out of which the first one was by far the funniest. The best part, aside from winning three dollars for doing it, was making an ass out of myself to humor others. Always one of my favorite things to do.

Sunday I spent a good part of the day at the lab doing DNA extractions. They suck, and it's by far my least favorite procedure so far.

Today has just been blah. It seems like a bunch of stuff has gone wrong... little stuff, not big stuff... and it's added to my overall feeling of malaise. Stupid stuff like messing up procedures. I had planned to be out by 3pm at the latest... it's 5:30pm and I'm still at the lab as I write this. I probably won't leave until six. I think I'm gonna have to go get some coffee and write some more before I go home. Writing generally seems to put my mind at ease most of the time. Another clue perhaps that I should have persued a career in writing.


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