(no subject)

Jan 05, 2009 09:35

The following is copied and pasted directly from nottygypsy 's LJ. She got it from a friend, and it resonates with me as well.  I've been due for a little LJ trimming m'self.

Please feel free to comment if you feel strongly about staying. ;-)  Comments are screened.

A Friend posted recently:

But the point is that your journal is your responsibility. I've had more than one person say to me, "I don't care who reads this," but, as the recent spate of PSAs on TV point out, if you don't pay attention to who is reading your stuff, it's the same as standing in the town square reading your diary out loud to everyone. At some point, someone is going to pick up something of 'interest' and the odds are pretty good that they will find (or be) someone who has a reason to use that information against you.

LJ, like nearly all blog and community sites, is a giant searchable database of information - the key word being, of course, searchable. However LJ has a couple of features that make it more difficult for people to dig out dirt; the easiest one to implement is to friends-lock your posts. If you choose to make any postings public, then the public will be able to read them, as well as search for them using Google, Yahoo, or LiveSearch.

Just to check, try typing in your LJ name in a Google search bar, and see how many posts and comments show up in the list. (Because if your friends have public posts, then your comments on those posts are also searchable.)

Even if you don't care about individuals, you may (and should) care a lot about potential employers, clients, students, etc. ( as I am job hunting this is important to me)
All of this is a prelude to my announcement that I'm about to cull my list. In most cases, I would be unfriending someone because I am no longer interested in reading what they are posting, or because they have not posted in a very long time. In one or two cases, I have concerns about whether they understand the sanctity of a friends-locked post. Or I'm not sure who you are in the real world as to LJ. Please comment if you wish and let me know. I will be shortening the list seriously. In any such case, I am taking action because I see it as necessary to my continued 'survival' on the World Wide Web.

My journal - my decision. Feel free to respond as you wish - this post is locked and comments are screened. Odds are, if you can read this post, you already understand most of the above (even if you do not necessarily agree with all of it).

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