Stuff in my head

Aug 23, 2008 13:08

It was brought to my attention this morning that some folks may think that
iron_clad is incomunicado right now... Nope! He's got his cell phone and daily email access. So feel free to give him a call, drop him a txt or send an email.  (though I suggest phone/txt)  If you'd like his snail mail addy I have that too.  I know he' d love to hear from folks.

If you sent good vibes on Thursday night - Thank you.  He narrowly missed a death opportunity while doing night ops. Very rough seas. He knocked his gourd on something and rocked backwards and one of his fellow crewman grabbed his ass and kept him from going overboard.  "It's only training" doesn't apply when training is the same as the real thing.

Picked up a rainbow variety of tomatoes this morning at the brookside farmers market. I was inspired by some tomatoes that
zerself and
closer_to_fine brought over and shared last night. I tried an orangy-stripe-y one on my salad for lunch today.

Weighed in at WW this morning and was up 1.2 pounds. Not surprised at all. Just glad it wasn't more. Feel like I'm already back on track since I've been home so expect to see a loss next week.

Yesterday I decided to apply
chernobylred's 20 min theory.  Though I'm not sure I made it 20 min. I did make myself work and gave myself no particular reward other than "yay me" for not sitting on my ass instead.  I did enough that I can feel some ache in the muscles I used. :)

Time to put the lad down for a nap.

liam, husband, food, military, navy, ww

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