Got Frubble? (and Lyrics for the Day)

Apr 27, 2008 22:19

(oh, that so needs to be an icon)

Working on my Poly paper tonight...hell...most of the day...and just came across my favorite find through all my reading. It's an article called "There Aren't Words for What We Do"  and I've just learned a new word. It sounds remarkably silly and you won't be surprised that the Brits coined it.  I love it...and it's meaning:  frubbly

(the following is taken loosely from the above article)

Frubbly is the opposite of jealous. It is taking joy in one's partner's other partner(s).

It can be used as an adjective "I'm feeling frubbly about X" or "So, X is out on a date with Y tonight, huh? Aren't you feeling jealous?" "No, it's a  good thing - I feel really frubbly."

Or as an noun

partner: 'X and I had a great date last night...'
self: 'frubble'

The American word is "compersion" which I had not heard before today either...but I gotta go with frubbly - it's sorta like snuggly...and I get that. :)
Compersion just sounds...very clinical.

The other new word to me was "metamore" which is a word that means "my partner's partner" (my metamore)

And.... some Lyrics for the Day:

funky_peacenik rocks with the new music... (new to me a least)

The good lord is such a good lord
With such a good mother too
They have blessed me
In the good graces of you
I have heard a hundred violins crying
And I have seen a hundred white doves flying
But nothing is as beautiful
As when she believes in me

How good it must feel
To be so young and free
And a song that pleases a queen
Will always please me
I have heard the wisest of wisdom
And I have dined in palaces and kingdoms

But nothing is as beautiful
As when she believes in me

Now, all of life
Is just passing the time
Until once again
Your eyes look into mine
I have been adored by a stranger
And I have heard the whispering angel

But nothing is as beautiful
As when she believes in me

prayer, school, poly

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