April 16th, 2008

Apr 16, 2008 09:17

From The Goddess Companion:

The hills are covered with soft grass.
Dew is a sweet blanket there each dawn.
Once there was a lovely man
with eyes like water, clear and sweet.
We met by accident. He loved me well.

The hills are covered with the softest grass.
How softly the dew lies there each dawn!
Once there was a lovely man
with eyes like clear sweet water.
We met by accident. Oh, he gave me joy.
~ Chinese Book of Songs

"Spring's arrival brings us back to life in many ways. Our animal bodies respond to the season's change; after the withdrawl of winter, we begin to open up  again, to each other, to the world.  It is the season of eggs and bunnies, both symbols of lusty energies and the urge for reproduction.
    To hold oneself open to the delights that springtime offers means opening as well to risk. There is no way to know, at the beginning of a project or relationship, how it will end. And not knowing the future can be a great gift, permitting us to live in the glorious present. With spring's arrival comes again the message from the goddess to live wholly and totally, to give ourselves up to the risk of being open to whatever experiences she offers. Offer thanks to the goddess for her gifts, and accept them wholeheartedly."


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