Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 19, 2015 13:38

Hello! Thank you so much for writing for me. This is my first year participating, so I’m really excited! Especially since you also like at least some of these fandoms and characters. They’re all very close to my heart, which is why I’ll be happy just reading more about them. I’m also looking forward to see what your take will be and what you come up with. I hope you have lots of fun!

The following requests are just some guidelines and have been written with the sole purpose of helping you on your task. If you already have an idea of what you want to write, or if you feel like these requests are limiting your creativity, though - please feel free to do your own thing.

Generally speaking, when I requested these fandoms, I was leaning more towards genfic and canon-compliant (unless stated otherwise). I ask that you keep it out of the M and E ratings and if you do write sex scenes, that they are wholly consensual (an exception could be made for SeiSub, I guess… because that’s how they roll). I’m okay with graphic depictions of violence, especially if it’s according to canon, and character death.

I’m not interested in crossovers and I’m not particularly looking for AUs either, but I’m all for canon divergence, if it means we get to explore the consequences of the differing events, keeping as much as possible to what we already know from the characters and how they would react in such a situation.

Dislikes: 1st or 2nd person POV, character-bashing of any kind, pregnancy/kidfic, age-swapping, characterization that highly deviates from official canon

Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn

First of all, I think I should come clean and say that Soo-Won is my number one favourite character in Akatsuki no Yona. Just something to keep in mind. I would gladly read anything with him as the main focus.
I have a weird fascination with his and Zeno’s apparent connection, so if you have some headcanons about that that you’d like to build on, this would be the perfect chance.
Otherwise, I’m also a big fan of the OT3 - either in the past, the ‘Soo-Won and Yona as kings and Hak as their guard’ could-have-been or as a potential reconciliation in the future (how do you think it could ever work? what would they have to get through first?).
Soo-Won and Hak’s relationship is also one of my favourite things, and I would love to read about what happens when they finally get to confront each other and go all out. Does it end in tragedy? Is there a way for forgiveness and atonement? How much does Hak suffer throughout (and how much is he willing to show outwardly)?

Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume’s Book of Friends
Natori Shuuichi, Tanuma Kaname

I have several scenarios I would like to read about, but really, this is just me randomly throwing ideas around. If something inspires you, great! But it’s fine too if it doesn’t, as I’ve said before.

Prompt 1: Natori & Tanuma
These two are my favourite male characters in the series (besides Natsume), and I always felt like they could build a mentor-like relationship provided the circumstances. I would love to read a story about Natori introducing the exorcists’ world to Tanuma, or them getting caught up in an adventure just the two of them, or Tanuma being accidentally pulled into Natori’s actor career (remember that movie ticket’s offer?). Each of them dissecting and sharing their feelings over Natsume and their relation to him could also be a nice plus.

Prompt 2: Natori-centric
Note: You don’t have to include Tanuma whatsoever, if it’s easier.
I’d love to see more of Natori’s past explored, or his relationship with his family (and/or the exorcists’ world). Even some emphasis on his career would be great! Otherwise, I’d also love to read an introspection on his relationship with Natsume, and what meaning it holds in his life, or about his thoughts on the Book of Friends, and what he plans on doing about it in the future.

Prompt 3: Natori & Natsume + Tanuma & Taki (roommates AU, futurefic)
Imagine if Natsume, Taki and Tanuma were to attend the same college, Natsume went to live with Natori and Taki and Tanuma rented a flat together (in the same building, perhaps)? I’d love to read about the inherent domesticity, and I kind of pictured Natsume and Natori entering into a queerplatonic relationship, but that’s just an idea.
I’m also very interested in Tanuma’s relationship with Taki. They have been seen to search each other out in times of need, and Taki always makes an effort to help communication between Tanuma and Natsume when it proves lacking. I’d love to see more of how they act when they are alone just the two of them, especially when living together.

Ginoza Nobuchika, Tsunemori Akane

I’ve loved the relationship between Gino and Akane ever since I first started watching Psycho-Pass and my attachment to them has only grown with time. This is the only one of my requests where I’d really love a story with a romantic angle. Either get-together fic or established relationship is fine. I’d love to see how they’d interact on a daily basis and what a (potential) romance between would be built on.
If you’d really rather keep it platonic, I would love to read about them voicing their feelings about Kougami more openly, and (building on the movie’s ending) finally move on together and leave Kougami in the past. Them reminiscing about each of their losses along the way, and sharing stories about their loved ones, and their past before the Bureau would also be very interesting.

Tokyo Babylon
Lady Sumeragi, Sakurazuka Seishirou, Sumeragi Hokuto, Sumeragi Subaru

What if Lady Sumeragi and Seishirou were to meet? What if she found out about his and Subaru’s relationship before it all went down to hell? What if Hokuto came to Lady Sumeragi before deciding to go to her death? Or a character study on Lady Sumeragi’s relationship to each of the twins.
If you’d rather not write about Lady Sumeragi, I’d love a story about the trio during the happy and oblivious days, or focusing on the separate duos (Hokuto & Subaru, Hokuto & Seishirou, Subaru & Seishirou).

ちはやふる | Chihayafuru
Suou Hisashi

I love the dynamics between Suou & Shinobu and Suou & Taichi, so I’d be very happy with a story focused on either of those relationships.
For Suou & Shinobu, I’d love to read about how they met, what their first impressions of each other were and how they have changed up to the present. Seeing them hanging out would be great too.
If you choose to write about Taichi and you’re so inclined, I’d love if you could squeeze in a romantic reference to Arata (I ship the OT3, but I appreciate Taichi and Arata’s side of the triangle just as much as I do each of their connection to Chihaya). If that doesn’t float your boat, a simple reference to their friendship instead would also be very appreciated.
But feel free to write about his relationship with any other character in the series too! And if you’d rather just focus on Suou himself, I’d love to see his illness more explored, or your take on the first match of his that was read by Yamashiro Kyoko, or something focused on his college life or the cram school. I’d also love to read an introspection about his relationship with karuta.
Does Suou has other hobbies? Does he have other friends? What’s his family life like? His love life?

ノラガミ | Noragami
Kazuma, Yukine

I love Kazuma as Yukine’s mentor. Kazuma being the soundboard whenever Yukine needs an emotional support, Kazuma confiding about his past to Yukine, Kazuma teaching some fight tricks to Yukine, Yukine taking Kazuma out somewhere to relax… anything with the two of them, really.

I hope you enjoy yourself and have a lovely experience.
Happy Yuletide!

yuletide 2015

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