(no subject)

Apr 09, 2004 00:14

You people SUCK!! Definatly need to update more. I need something to do while im bored. I cant nessicarily take care of conner bc im on meds (the liquid hydrocodone) i feel funny when i'm watching him and im on it. It makes me feel... i dunno... it just makes me feel weird. like im a bad mom er something, but i know im not bc i mean. Shit i hurt. Its not like its pot er something. I couldnt do that.

Wow, dont know where that just came from. *shrugs*

Conner is sleeping, YaY, he is sleeping threw the night better. He fusses, but he does it when he's sleeping too. Its strange.

Nothing much is going on. the dirty lil girl came over after i had posted the letter entry. GRRRR, Scott was standing outside most of the time. He doesnt trust me. I threw the letter in her face and i was like 'read the letter, bitch!'..... Yea, it just sounded *all kinds* of threatening with my ghetto ass voice. (that was a lot of sarcasm) Well shit she permanently talks weird. She cant pronounce her 'R's, i cant talk bc i got my tonsels taken out 2 days ago...

I ATE CHICKEN!! I was so scared to, but i actually managed to eat it! And fried okra.. YAY FER ME!!!! *does a dance*

Well im talking to my brother, Shane. I guess i will catch yall later... UPDATE MORE GOD DAMMIT! OR I KEEL YOU!
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