Oh how the time flies

Mar 10, 2006 00:51

I am NEVER on here anymore... so if you ever want to get a hold of me, I have a myspace...


Myspace baby!<3

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Hey.... toplflite May 13 2006, 08:45:56 UTC
I've missed you! I don't get on EBO anymore. How have you been?


Re: Hey.... lightofme May 13 2006, 15:12:49 UTC
well why dont you go to EBOL anymore?? Ashleigh even went to one of the meetings!


Re: Hey.... toplflite May 13 2006, 21:50:26 UTC
Because people on there are jerks. I was talking to Ashleigh in a chat room the other day and this dude started giving me shit and wouldn't leave me alone so I cut him down really good and then told the moderator on me like a little bitch.


Re: Hey.... lightofme May 16 2006, 16:56:52 UTC
What was the dudes name??

You HAVE to remember... pleeeeeeeeeease, remember.


Re: Hey.... toplflite May 18 2006, 11:56:26 UTC
Hmm...let me ask Ahleigh. She knows. We both almost got booted that time because we have multiple I.P. adresses since we were on our work computers.


Re: Hey.... toplflite May 18 2006, 11:58:42 UTC
Oh yeah, his nick was "yourmom". I think he just got mad because Ashleigh started talking to me when I got on and before that he was spittin game at her.


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