lightning_war post recap: May 11-22, 2008

May 24, 2008 00:56

Game date and time: Sunday afternoon and evening, 13 September 1942:


Please note that Lightning War is now on Insane Journal. If you are reading this on Live Journal or through an RSS feed, links will work, but clicking on journal names will take you to a Live Journal which will not have been updated and, in the case of new characters or those whose journal names have been changed, may not even belong to the game.

Also please note that if you have this community friended but are not a member, your comments to all posts will be screened and I may not be able to unscreen them in time for you to get involved in a discussion. Please join the community; I will approve you as soon as I'm sure you're not our troll.

Completed/Continuing Open Threads:

Paul Pettigrew's concerned about students with the wrong attitude. Annie Lovegood's concerned about her brother Bilius. (Complete.)

Corinne Allison is relieved by Yvon's reconciliation with Alessio. Susie is upset by the realisation that if you're sleeping with everyone your partner's ever slept with, she's slept with a lot more people than she ever dreamed--including Corinne. (Finally complete--if you haven't looked since last recap, please look again.)

New Posts:

Lucius Malfoy responds to letters from Kat Lovegood and Ercole Zabini.

Dylan Mulciber answers a letter from his lover, Alastor Moody.

Dylan Mulciber has a lot of work to do.

Davy Longbottom and Joscelin van Rensselaer have an argument that probably isn't really about Wizarding-Muggle relations.

Priscilla Chattox answers a lot of letters.

Maeve Pritchard writes to her brother Nat and Valeria Benedetto intercepts the letter. Valeria isn't impressed with Maeve, whom she confuses with Ianthe. (Complete.)

Yvon Malfoy and Alessio Zabini can really only talk, so they do a lot of it.

Marek Červenka takes the Ziteks to dinner, and they discuss the troubles at Hogwarts; then Naszvadi Lili and Király Ilóna show up.

Viresh Patil and Joachim Piccard wonder if they might be in love.

Vilém Zitek attempts to confront Naszvadi Lili, whom he believes to be possessed, but succeeds mostly in annoying her.

Surya Patil is not impressed with the news from Hogwarts.

Dracaena Malfoy is at her wit's end now that Aristotle is once again on her list of problems. Nicodemo Zabini attempts to help. (Complete.)

Séverine Black finally gets a letter through to her brother, Yvon Malfoy. Nat Pritchard really wishes he could read it. Valeria Benedetto finds out that Nat was once engaged. (Complete.)

Halász Sharolt is impressed by her friend Fujiwara Kenjiro's new trick. She tries to explain to him what he did, but he doesn't understand her. (Complete.)

Estrid Farryll is unhappy with the security at Hogwarts, and has made a decision that she and her people should leave.

Nikola Tesla is disgusted to find himself a prisoner.

Dominic Prewett is still trying to solve the mystery of several suspicious disappearances of Muggle children near Hogsmeade.

Yvon Malfoy warns Miranda Serrano that Portia Parkinson is a flight risk.

Lucius Malfoy says goodbye to Tom Riddle.

Francis Boot feels trapped in the castle.

The Hraefen has mixed feelings about Estrid's decision.

Miranda Serrano tries to enlist Laurens van Rensselaer's help in getting Nicodemo Zabini to declare Portia Parkinson incompetent.

Endymion Dashwood and Hadrian Kyteler have relationship insecurities that need to be addressed at the least convenient moment. (EXPLICIT.)

Laurens van Rensselaer annoys Nicodemo Zabini into making the necessary arrangements for Portia's safety.

Laurens van Rensselaer has some lingering questions about Alessio, Yvon and Portia. Not to mention Nicodemo.

Jael Moody is afraid, because she doesn't know where she and Tesla are, or what Snape and Kuntzel could possibly want with her.

Emmeline Wilkes writes a letter to her cousin Endymion Dashwood. Which sparks an argument between him and Valeria Benedetto. (Complete.)

Charis Malfoy is unhappy about the fact that she has to stay at the Manor and Hadrian can't.

Endymion Dashwood resolves to be more independent than he has been lately.

New Journals:

clutterbuck Rosalind Clutterbuck (Slytherin 1937) is one of the young magistri on Laurens van Rensselaer's diagnostic team. Her reputation is that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. (PB: Anne Dudek) Yes, she has her own journal now; yes, this means that we don't plan to let her die at any time in the very near future. If you have no idea why people might have been asking us about that, don't worry about it.

sharolt Halász Sharolt was a brilliant Transfiguration student at Durmstrang, but she was recruited into a special programme in Rome where she met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot of interesting things, before they broke her brain. (PB: Summer Glau)

Everyone has a new journal at Insane Journal, even if they've been moved to a shared journal. Here's the list.

New Graphics:

Please be patient with us as many of the new journals are not yet set up and do not yet have proper layouts. That said, as IJ allows 100 icons per free user, there are a great many new userpics going around. Characters whom I know have loaded new userpics since the last recap include alessio, artisson, drschadenfreude, fairlight, nicodemo, stepan, tizenharom and triedtobetrue, and I'm sure there will be more listed below in the comments, there always are!

Under New Management:

There are a lot of characters that are currently open. Check out the Adoptable Characters page for descriptions of the kinds of adoptions that are open and lists of characters available for each. If you are not sure, ask. :)

new graphics, journal moves, recap, new journals, pb changes, character introductions

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