Game date and time: Sunday morning and afternoon, 13 September 1942:
Our community
lightning_war has a new look!
(Please note that Lightning War is now on Insane Journal. If you are reading this on Live Journal or through an RSS feed, links will work, but clicking on journal names will take you to a Live Journal which will not have been updated and may not even belong to the game.)
Completed/Continuing Open Threads:
Jameson Wilkes has a fight with his wife. (Complete.) Alessio Zabini is terrified for his lover, Yvon Malfoy; Dracaena comes in to comfort him. (Complete.) Raissa Kerensky is irritated with her sons and her brother, and all the more so when she sees a fire and her niece tells her that's probably right where they are. (Complete.) Goyle informs the Head Boy and Girl of his plans. Addie Kyteler and Minerva McGonagall can't figure out what to do about Gryffindor, either. (Complete.) Will Goyle makes some announcements. Someone is caught in a Devil's Trap. For once, all four Houses co-operate. (In progress, we think.) Joscelin van Rensselaer vents in his journal before meeting with Goyle and the students gathered outside his office. (Complete.) New Posts:
Dio Snape hasn't heard from any of her relations lately. Gloriana Black is officially over Septimus Snape--and wishes Dracaena Malfoy would stop implying that she might be Yvon's father, whether she means to do it or not. Hypatia Scalara thinks Goyle is being too lenient. Perkin Hawkwood thinks there's only one way to save himself from the trouble he's in with his family. Inquisitor Goyle suspends the students responsible for the party in Hogsmeade for the rest of the year. Niccolò Ficino has a plan for getting some people to return to Italy. Polly Gardiner pauses to consider her own future. Polly Gardiner writes to her brother and sister, one of her cousins, and one of her friends. Alexander Mackenzie is glad the demon is gone, but wonders how to prevent another. Davy Longbottom could use some sleep. Alastor Moody warns Dylan Mulciber to be careful of enemy agents. Josette Cooper isn't handling Professor Bettony's suicide well. Headmaster Dumbledore and Inquisitor Goyle inform Isaac Diggory of their concerns. Corinne Allison and Lucius Malfoy continue to make friends while they look for Laurens van Rensselaer. Penny Davies reads the Hogwarts governors the Articles of War. Angelo Bruno and Rodrigo Gallinaro want to know if Valeria Benedetto is really unbreakable. Lewis Diggory won't be testing the patience of anyone in authority for a while. Bilius Lovegood realises exactly how bad the party really was and how much trouble he's probably in. Bobby Macmillan has been having a difficult time since Evan Rosier was banished from his room. They skip the memorial service. (Complete--but comments are EXPLICIT.) Edouard Lestrange wishes that he'd written to his aunt Gabrielle sooner; now he'll have to tell her bad news. Anjali Patil is scared out of her wits. Anjali writes to her cousin Surya Patil. Rajinder sees what she's writing and they have a little argument. (Complete.) Rajinder Patil writes to his cousins, Surya and Viresh Patil. Rajinder Patil's lack of faith has been shaken. Maddie Proctor examines Yvon Malfoy, and finds that he's stable, but not recovering as quickly as she had hoped. Aristotle Moody starts the Muggles. Edward Kyteler wants Valeria Benedetto to work a little more quietly than she's used to doing. Edmund Diggory gives Bilius Lovegood the lecture he deserves. Laurens van Rensselaer does not share Maddie Proctor's optimism about Yvon's condition or the likely consequences for Alessio. He has his doubts about the veracity of some of the things Dracaena's said, too. Dracaena and he discuss this at some length. (Complete.) Dolores Umbridge thinks her Aunt Jezebel will be proud of her when she hears what she's done. Dracaena Malfoy is terribly worried about her son Yvon. Yvon Malfoy dictates a journal entry to his younger brother, Lucius. Lucius convinces him to go outside and try to draw more strength from the land. (Complete.) Steren knew it was a bad idea for Dracaena Malfoy not to eat Marcus Weasley's heart. Jack Randall still has feelings for Dracaena and she tells him more about Nicolas de Marigny. Susie Kyteler does readings on Yvon and gives Alessio Zabini a verbal treatment to help strengthen his spine. Tom Riddle can't wait to get back to Hogwarts. Király Ilóna hears from a friend she believed long dead. (Perhaps there should be a support group--it seems to be going around!) New Journals:
eustacia Eustacia Gardiner (Gryffindor 1915) is the elder sister of Eliot and Polly Gardiner. She was once married to Laurens van Rensselaer, and is currently working for the Department of Mysteries heading up the Office of Muggle Affairs--which means she gets to divide her time between working with the War Bureau co-ordinating the war effort and dealing with breaches of Wizarding Secrecy. (PB: Sela Ward)
tizenharom Király Ilóna works at St Mungo's. She is a healer but not yet a teaching healer, as she would be if she had her records from Durmstrang. She attended Durmstrang at the same time as Stepán Zitek and his wife, Zitekné Báthory Zsuzsanna, and Laurens van Rensselaer hired her because he once did some research with her there. She has a lot of secrets, and refuses to discuss her past with anyone who was not part of it. She lives with Naszvadi Lili,
Everyone has a new journal at Insane Journal, even if they've been moved to a shared journal.
Here's the list.
New Graphics:
Please be patient with us as many of the new journals are not yet set up and do not yet have proper layouts (also, due to an error in scripting, some of the journal layouts which existed last week were inadvertently reset). That said, as IJ allows 100 icons per free user, there are a great many new userpics going around. Characters whom I know have loaded new userpics since the last recap include
egregoroi (Natalia),
vilem and
wind_frolicker, and I'm sure there will be more listed below in the comments, there always are!
Under New Management:
There are a lot of characters that are currently open. Check out the
Adoptable Characters page for descriptions of the kinds of adoptions that are open and lists of characters available for each. If you are not sure, ask. :)