ICND 1 Test Conclusion

Mar 16, 2010 16:26

Status: Failed.

I scored 717 out of 1000. I needed 804 to pass.

Why they didn't let me take this test three months ago when I actually completed the coursework instead of making me wait to complete the ICND2 classes before I could sign up, I will never know. ICND2 completely blasted all of the useful crap from ICND1 out of my mind. Still, though, I'm pretty proud of a 717. I expected to fail this one (I always fail the first test. Took me three tries to pass my Real Estate exam.) but I did better than I thought. This was definitely an "almost."

Also, the test prep material they give you is woefully inadequate to the task of preparing you for the genuine article. "The final exam is only 50 questions." Well, yes and no. There are indeed 50 "questions" on the test. However, take the following:

"Here is a diagram with one router and three unknown devices connected via unknown cables. By accessing the router, use the console interface to discern the name, type, and IP addresses of the other three devices. Then drag and drop the appropriate types of cabling used between each device into the correct positions in the diagram. Finally, host A cannot communicate with host B. Discover which device in the series contains the error and correct it."

That right there? That is one "question."

Had I been given the chance to take this test 3 months ago when the info was still fresh, I hazard to say I might've passed it. As it is, I'll give it another 2 weeks of study (now that I'm more readily aware of what I'm actually dealing with) and try it again. C'est la vie.
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