Jun 18, 2008 16:02
I had this dream today in which I spoke to myself about what I am dissatisfied about, and it was the weirdest thing ever because it must be the most direct way my subconsious has ever communicated with consious me. Anyway, I wanted to analyze it more so I've made an entry for myself about it, and thought, well, why not make a real entry?
So. College start in 2 months, I've been off for a month. What has happened thus far?
There has been prom, with sixflags/beach afterwards
There has been job-hunting after which I have been hired (at least on a trial-basis which starts this friday) at the Sushi place at the palisades mall. I applied at 20 places in 3 days.
There has been my acceptance of my decision to go to Tufts (JUMBOS!!!!) and my continued questioning of pursuing a medical career. Additionally, Tufts has chosen me, based on my advising application to be one of 14 (out of 3000) Health Careers Fellows, to be given extra resources and a personal seminar with the chief director of Med School Advising at Tufts. I think I might get into med school now.
There has been my CPR certification and the continuation of my EMT Class. I am now on airway obstruction. After the class finished and I am certified in NJ, I'll get re-certified for MA during my first weeks at Tufts and start voluteering on the Tufts EMS squad.
I've been spending as much time as ever with Rob. I love my poopsiewoo/poodle very much and will miss him so much. There's been a coordination of how we will visit each other.
I am now sitting in front of my EMT book and Sex and the City (there's been a re-ordering of HBO on demand). I've started the book Twilight as well as How Doctors Think, and am continuing reading other med books. Last week, I applied to the FOCUS program at Tufts which is a pre-orientation thing where we live in churches in Boston, volunteer, get to know the city, and each other.
I've been lackadaisaclly going to the gym, which I should prob do now, but I've been around 120 anyway due to continued "exercise" with Rob.
There's been a playing of the Harry Potter Goblet of Fire game on XBox, which Rob bought me. (IT IS SOOOO GOOD. It's like I'm in Harry Potter!! And going throught the whole FREAKIN big castle is like whoaaa.) There's been an appreciation of how easily and cheaply Rob can get video games (I've also started Kingdom Hearts).
Basically, I am content. I need to make more money, but the sushi place will hopefully do that for me. I also need to go to six flags (just because) and eventually buy a new laptop for myself this summer (I'm waiting for some sale, 4th of july or something else like that). I need to get Rob a bday present.
Basically it...
Yay, I wrote an entry!