I'm back home and therefore bored enough that I feel I might want to update this rather than just read about other people's wonderful lives.
I ended up staying in Cambridge two weeks after term ended in which I didn't get nearly enough work done, however I did:
Get to spend loads of time with
chronitisGo to see Coldplay and Richard Ashcroft (a bit of a surprise, lots of old Verve stuff as well as new songs :D). Both of them were fantastic and a really good end to term.
And get to spend a scary few hours in London going for an interview for a PhD at the clinical sciences centre. Found out today I've got an offer of a place so really need to decide whether I want to/can afford to live in London over the next 4 years.
Anyway all of this has meant am rather happy at the moment and for once am actually feeling quite Christmassy.