I'm going to take a break from posting about sad, tension-filled thoughts in my head, and totally dork out for a few minutes. Enjoy!
Some of you might know that I'm a HUGE fan of the DIY-home-design blog, Young House Love. And I read it religiously. Every. Day. I think the whole family is totally squee-dorable, and I'm SO BUMMED that I missed their visit to Tacoma last week (I had to work - I could have taken the day off without pay, but it was already a short week for me with non-paid-time-off on MLK Day). But they are charming, lovely people from my interactions with them, and I'm actually making them some little pressies as a thank-you for general awesomesauce.
So they issued
this hilarious, unofficial, scavenger-hunt challenge based on Macklemore's "Thrift Shop" rap song. And coincidentally, I had been putting off a trip to Goodwill to drop off some donations, AND I actually had cash on hand (seriously, so tight these days this never happens), so this was perfectly timed for me to take part. Woohoo! I'm a dork. :D
Challenge Accepted!
So the challenge has three parts (if you didn't click over to the link): Limit yourself to $20, buy what you want with that $20, and take a picture involving something from the song lyrics. I haven't posted pictures in AAAAAGES, so I've got to remember how to do all this, haha.
Part the First: Go to a thrift shop with - just as the chorus of the song says - “$20 in your pocket” and take a picture.
I’m gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I’m, I’m, I’m hunting, looking for a come up, this is fucking awesome
why helloooooo there, Mister Jackson. Don't see enough of you around these parts!
Part the Second: Spend that $20 any way you’d like and photograph your spoils.
I bought some shit from the thrift shop
Ice on the fringe is so damn frosty
The people like “Damn, that’s a cold ass honky”
clockwise from left to right.
$3.99 ceramic planter to re-pot my jade plant (which is thriving, but could use some extra room to grow and has been in the original ugly plastic container for several years).
$3.99 burgundy poppy art print for the bedroom (if I don't get some stuff on those walls soon, I'mma cut. a. bitch.).
$1.99 black napkin holder (that I am trying out as a coaster-holder for my DIY'd ceramic-tile-&-scrapbook-paper coasters I recently made, as seen here).
$1.99 Belleek vase (a future Mother's Day or birthday gift for my mama, who collects the Irish china
Belleek pieces in the Shamrock pattern - based on similar items, this would retail at full price for about $35-40, and it is authentic! SCORE!!!).
$1.99 scrapbooky-style Travel photo frame (to hold a pic I snapped of David & I on the plane en route to Iceland/England).
$3.99 set of glass coasters with holder (for a future DIY scrapbook coaster project).
Total spent (before WA State Sales Tax) = $17.94, yo! That's some cold-ass honky right there.
Part the Third: Find one item (or more) referenced in the song and snap a pic.
Hello, hello, my ace man, my mellow
John Wayne ain’t got nothing on my fringe game, hell no
The Duke and I are old friends. McCLINTOCK! Remember the Alamo!
Although I wasn't quite sure if a John Wayne mention in the song would be worthy of a John Wayne photo (he's not exactly an item to buy...), I got this one, too.
Buy it, coppin' it, washin' it, ‘bout to go and get some compliments
Passing up on those moccasins someone else has been walking in
Not gonna lie, folks - I totally wanted to wash my hands after these.
I'm not sure if I'll keep the black napkin-holder-turned-coaster-holder (it's not fitting what I need it to particularly well). I am SO STOKED about the Belleek vase, it's a freakin' steal. Right up there with getting a Louis Vuitton purse for $15 (normally $565) a few years ago.
And then just for my own fun, I took pictures of the three worst things I found while I was browsing for all of that other stuff, but didn't apply to the challenge. Seriously, there is just no accounting for taste! I tried to get three different types of items - a decor, a knick-knack, and a clothing item.
This is a painting of I-don't-even-know-what-the-hell-here, people. Robots? Aliens? Both?
Please tell me this was somebody's cake topper circa 1984. GHASTLY!
Hi, we are the store's ugliest effing shoes!
So I'll be posting this over on the "results" page for the challenge
here. Next up, I'm going to try to post pictures from January - I'm attempting the Project 365 again, to document my 30th year, so you might see them here and on FaceBook (I'll put them behind a cut here, promise). Enjoy, and have a good weekend, my darlings! I think David and I will be hanging out at home, doing domestic stuff.
I wear your granddad's clothes, I look incredible
I’m in this big ass coat from that thrift shop down the road...