In which our heroine rambles on, and on, and on about first world problems of her own creation.

Mar 07, 2012 16:45

Update! Update!

* Things are progessing well (so far) with leaving McK in >4 weeks (17 days from now, actually). I met with an HR rep last week to determine my severance package draft, which looks to be very generous.
Does anyone have any experience with things like COBRA v. private insurance? Any advice for job transition? Some of this might all depend on what my next job is as well.
I had a phone interview with a company structured very much like McK, and that could include benefit timelines. McK's benefits kick in the first day of the month after you're hired, no 3-month wait. So it's not impossible that would happen at this other place (assuming it's a good fit for them and me). I also had my first in-person interview (they have like a 4-part interview process. JEEZ. They should just hire me on the basis of AWESOME).
The dispatch team was informed right away, and the department was notified a few days later of my plan to leave. I've talked to all of my techs in person, and have gotten almost universal sadness and "NO DON'T GOOOO!"
Which is very sweet and flattering, and I'm going to miss 95% of the techs tremendously. A couple of them and I will not miss each other at all. Even Shawn (my ex) was a bit sad, but also knew that I'd been wanting this for a long time. His reaction was "well, their loss!" Another tech asked if I'd stay for more money.
Had to explain that it is SO NOT about the money at this point. It's the job. And it's time for me to grow, learn, be challenged, put new and interesting things on Ye Olde Resume.
The Boss J's have been very supportive, and have promised to give me good recommendations. Not burning any bridges her, I hope!
Tomorrow I am hitting up a job fair in Renton for a few hours.

* I've gotten some small nibbles on the housemate hunt (most of you got my email - if not, want it?). IF this other job goes through, depending on pay I might not NEED a roommate. It's all so very up-in-the-air. So many paths are branched out in front of me right now, and a decision on one will both eliminate certain options and free up others.
I am somebody who so totally values stability and "knowing" that I have stayed a bit too long in a job and a bit too long in a relationship, even when I *KNOW* they aren't going to work out. Taking these kinds of chances - you know, off a goddamn cliff - are so not me.
So, there's that. Scary, yet Empowering. What a fucking heady mixture.

* My Super-Secret Olympic Project (it's an internship - possibly paid, possible trip to London) is continuing on as well. If nothing else, it will be something good to add to the resume - more professional than my work with the Cabiri, and hopefully with a bigger payout on a number of levels (exposure, contacts, references, experiences...).
This, bee-tee-dubs, will be henceforth referred to as the SSOP.
One of you actually knows what it is, as of Monday night. Ssssssecretss...
But I think you'll all want in on it eventually!

* I feel like I've got so much going on that a part of me has shut down, or is paralyzed or something. I go home, and I'm crazy-tired and my head is just fried (not headachy, just... done thinking for the day). I've got bills to pay, research to do for the SSOP, emails to respond or initiate and I'm all... "I'MMA WATCH BUFFY FROM THE THE BEGINNING. AGAIN. ALSO, COOKIES." It's like I'm all set to do "The Grown-Up Thing" and part of me slams on the brakes. Like I've done enough to be happy-perky-supportive employee at my current job (part of my agreement to not be fired before March 30, and getting a good severance package), and so therefore I must not need to do anything more for the rest of the day. I... don't think that's how it works. But I make it happen, so does that mean I'm making it work? No, it's going to come back to bite me in the ass. With late fees. Also, I'm rambling now. SEE? NO FOCUS. 4:30PM, NO MORE THINKY.

* Okay, moving on. Other things in my life I WANT to do, and COULD do if I put forth the effort: Write a short story by March 30 (have beginning, ending is planned, general plot is formed. Need to write, edit, and submit). Knit ALL THE THINGS. Or at least finish the scarf I've been dabbling with for a month, and just went to a Sewing & Stitchery expo and bought books for inspiration. Clean the house. Craft things, since I have AN ENTIRE ROOM for crafting and right now all I do is pile stuff and say 'maybe this week...end." SAI stuff, like the newsletter I just sent out and a meeting next weekend. Cabiri stuff, like do I want to volunteer for their Spring show (TARHUN: LEGEND OF THE LIGHTNING GOD, if anyone wants to go/volunteer with me!) in mid-April. Swing dance classes, which I'm negotiating with my teacher to do administrative work for him (class list data entry, checking people in, etc.) in exchange for free classes. Going back to Wenatchee for an Easter weekend mini-family reunion, which may depend on my job status (was going to take off Thur/Fri/Mon at McK, but I'll be gone, sooo... maybe set a start day at next job for the following Tues?). Read the books I just bought, or at least my pile of "read it or donate it, but DO SOMETHING." Or at least read the books I've already got, including Pat Rothfuss' 1000-page tubthumper of a sequel. The dog needs to be groomed, I'm getting crispy split ends, new glasses and at least one more appointment with my therapist are a necessity before medical benies run out.
AND I KEEP FALLING ASLEEP ON THE COUCH UNTIL 2AM. God. I need a keeper, a clone, an assistant. Something.
Did reading that paragraph make your eyes glaze over? It's ok, mine did too. You see where I'm going just a little bit crazy and stressed? It's really no wonder. It's all good, positive stress (eustress, I believe?), and it's totally a First World Problems thing (OMG, how am I going to find the time to read ALL MY BOOKS? Heavens. Where are my smelling salts?), and all of my own devising. I know this. :)

I am just really glad I took a mid-week spa break last week and went to Banya 5, followed by swing dancing. I just... need more of that. Less of everything else. More money, more time, more knowing. Less stress, less instability, less doing it all myself all the time.

olympics london, inevitibility of the crazy, 2012 torch, work - mckinstry, life or something like it, ashleyland

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