I'm sure some people, that aren't BPAL-maniacs like myself, might wonder why I get so excited about the perfumes I order, and why I feel the need to post them all over my LJ (I think at last count, I had 32 tagged entries with "BPAL"). In reading
an old article that interviews the woman in charge of BPAL, she had this to say that I think really sums it up:
The concept behind the scent is the soul of each of our perfumes. The descriptions, and in the case of the CD, the artwork, are absolutely an integral part of the experience for me - it is the core of the experience for me, and I hope the same is true for our customers. What we're doing when we create a scent is ... literally ... trying to bring an idea to life through scent. So many people can make a blend that follows a standardized pattern in traditional perfumery, orchestrated to be as pleasant as possible to the largest number of people. For all intents, those perfumes could be named "Nice Smell 1A" or "Marketing Ploy 5D", and it wouldn't make an iota of difference. So often, a perfume is just a perfume. What we believe in is the idea that we can take the dreams that move us, the nightmares that horrify us, and the myths, legends, and stories that formed us, and manifest them through this. What we hope is that we can provoke feelings and rekindle memories through this art.
So, having said that, today I am wearing their namesake, Black Phoenix - Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won't stop kissing mirrors for a month.
It goes on a little strong, but it really does mellow out very nice. Is sexy. Will keep!