Springtime for Hitler and Germany, Rhineland's a fine land once more!

Apr 04, 2009 17:30

My Little Ponies + Hollywood Characters? YES, PLEASE!

I've started watching, when there is nothing else on, a British TV drama programme, called Mistresses. It stars one of my favorite Irish actresses, Orla Brady, she's at the top of the picture of the group of 4 women - I'm also delighted by Shelley Conn, who is the one on the far left with the short dark hair. I'm fairly sure that the one on the bottem is Welsh, based on her accent. They are also making an American version, and I am cautiously optimistic only because it features Holly Marie Combs, of the Charmed series. But still - when they tried to remake Coupling for American audiences, it failed miserably. But The Office has far exceeded the original's success, so I suppose either one is possible!

Also, a great article in The Stranger, about different types of people. Good times :)

Gretchen and I are putting together a BPAL order in the next few days - does anyone else want to go in? I'm thinking maybe a Scratch'n'Sniff party will be in the works once it comes in. Anybody interested in taking part?

It is fantastically gorgeous here in our little corner of the world - there is really nothing like Seattle on a sunny day (the dreary gray days, on the other hand, can be a bit depressing). I want to go out and DO something, but I'm not sure what. Plus I have a fuckton of dishes and laundry to catch up on. Hmmm...

Tomorrow I think I will definitely check out Alki during Low Tide and catch the Water Taxi to downtown and check my hairs trimmed at Rudy's (my ends are crunchy). Plus I have a free pass for tomorrow's Season Opening of the Taxi, and I've never been on it before.

Maybe I'll go down to Alki today, too... there's something about the air here today that is so full of GOODNESS that being inside should be considered a cardinal sin!

Last weekend I had absolutely nothing on my schedule. SHOCKING!
My mom called, asked if I had gone to the "Green" show at the Convention Center - I had thought about it, but decided that 12 hours of sleep a night was more important. Plus I didn't want to deal with crowds, parking, etc.
I had thought about checking out Moisture Fest, but Shawn wasn't really too keen, and I felt like I hadn't seen much of him lately (I am starting to really miss him on the nights I don't spend with him, actually).
I know the Cabiri are performing today, and I know they will do fabulously - I saw some pictures from last week and it looks stunning. And there is a short video of their performance, which I believe will be included in the Daedalus show - 6 aerialists + 2 triple-trapezes = teh pretty.

The Cabiri Performance at Aerlift IV
Uploaded by voudeaux

And here is the Ishtar duet created for last summer's Gods of the Night show, and has been performed around the region. It's one of my absolute favorites - and if I'm not mistaken, the double-lyra (hoop) is a Cabiri Original (trapecia, correct me if I'm wrong on that one):

The Cabiri Performance Group
Uploaded by voudeaux

Snooping around on trapecia's Flickr page I found the poster for the Daedalus Rising show.
You're all coming, right? I THOUGHT SO!
Seriously, this show is NOT to be missed - The Cabiri put on some of the highest-caliber performances I've seen - even their STUDENT shows are full of beauty and precision.
Plus you can come watch me play with fire like a good little pyro.

Meme yoinked from purplevenus

Name: Ashley

Height: 5'3

Tomboy or Girly Girl? Oh my. A Girly Girl, with all the trimmings, please.

Describe your beauty routine.
Shower, using prescription shampoo every other day, lotion up, dress, do hair and makeup, try to remember some perfumed for smelly-goodness, and dash out the door 5 minutes late.

Describe your hair
Currently, long, espresso-brown with a red cast, and full of split ends.

Describe your personal style
Depends on the day, but I think generally classic-trendy with a slap-dash of boho-vintage chic.

Do you...
Like metrosexual boys?
I've tried - I like to look at them, but I seem to attract more manly-men.

Like accessories
Oh yes. Lots of earrings, necklaces and bracelets abound, plus pretty details on clothes - ribbons, sparklies, patterns, etc.

Like high heels?
Oh yes. All the time! But they MUST be comfy and pretty at the same time. I would NEVER, for instance wear Croc High Heels (do they exist? I'm sure they do. And that would be tragic).

Like matchy matchy, or mix and match?
I don't match - I GO, as Stacy London might say :)

Spend a lot of money on beauty products in general?
Depends on the product - I've had the same eyeshadow make-up since high school, but it REALLY needs to be replaced, yet I am cheap. And I go to a barber shop/tattoo parlor for hair trims since I can't justify $50 for half-an-inch right now. But I try to buy nice foundation. I don't have any skin-care products/routine.

Shop online for clothes?
Rarely - I need to see how things will hang on me and fit around the lady-twins.

Article of clothing in your closet?
I really have too many to name just one - my new embroidered jeans, my burgundy courderoy thrift-store jacket, all of my dresses, my lavender made-from-bamboo shirt (it is SO soft) and so on.

Makeup line? Hmmm... Cover Girl, I guess. I don't really have just one.
Foundation: L'Oreal's Bare Essentials powder
Lipstick: Slick glossy kinds that come in a tube.
Eyeshadow: Urban Decay
Blusher: Jane
Skincare line? I use St. Ives Apricot Scrub in the mornings - that's about it, though.

BPAL - Plunder
Designer - Dior's Pure Poison

Colours to wear?

What is a trend you dislike the most?
Crocs. They need to die.

What is your fashion philosophy?
If it looks good, it's worth it.

What kind of shoes do you like?
high-heeled pumps and 1940's-ish kitten heels

What is your biggest fashion problem?
would it kill designers to STANDARDIZE their measurements? I mean, really.

What old trends do you think should come back?
Good taste - have you SEEN what kids are wearing these days??

What one piece are you dying to add to your wardrobe?
a ring.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
about 50-60 minutes, however, I only seem to wake up with 45 minutes to spare...

Would you ever go out in public without makeup?
I don't like to, but I do it - especially on Sundays, lately.

If you had a fashion budget of 1 million dollars, where would you shop, and why?
Make-up - Sephora
Clothes - anywhere, and I'd commission Gretchen as well (oh wait, I do!)

Is there anything you absolutely CAN’T wear?
super-blousy peasant-style shirts - they make me look pregnant.

If you had to pick one designer to wear for the rest of your life, who would it be, and why?
hmmm, Chanel is pretty classic....

Now get off the computer and go do something productive!

dance aerial, bpal, springtime, ashleyland, memetastica

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