Jan 26, 2009 15:10
Difference between my doctor and my dentist (besides, you know, which end they are telling me to open wide, BA-DUM CHING!), is the scheduling:
I could get into my dentist tomorrow morning.
I can't see my doctor until mid-February.
Also, my doctor's visit (yearly exam on the lady-bits) is scheduled for February 13th. Friday the 13th. This is an unlucky day to have someone poking around in my down-theres, yes/no?
Is it Thursday yet? I am expecting a package, which is totally being delivered to work.
My day started off the best ever. It's fucking freezing out there today, and right after Shawn left for work this morning (about 10 minutes ahead of me), he called me to ask if I would like him to warm up my car! So he popped back in the building to get my keys, and while it warmed up he scraped all the windows and sat in it (so's nobody would see a nice warm car and think "oh, lucky day!") until I came down. And then I had a nice toasty car to hop into, and started my day with a blessed feeling.
He is just lovely, I almost started crying!
the mechanic,
great expectations,