So be wise and keep on reading the signs of my body.

Apr 24, 2008 16:45

Items of Note:

* I had 2 chocolate-covered coffee beans yesterday. That is WAY MORE CAFFEINE than I have in a month! I got sooooo jittery. And then I crashed later, and slept on the couch until 2:30am. Again.

* I have been amusing myself all bloody day with this list of British slang not common in the U.S..

Current favorites:
Rumpy Pumpy - Sexual intercourse, used slightly jokingly.
Argy-bargy - pushing-and-shoving or outright fighting.
Bumf - useless paperwork or documentation (from "bum fodder" (toilet paper)), often spelled bumph
The dog's bollocks - something excellent or top quality, the "bee's knees" (the business), the "cat's whiskers". Nowadays is becoming "mutt's nuts".
Jam Sandwich - police car (US: cruiser, squad car, patrol car). So called as, in the past, most UK police vehicles were white with a horizontal yellow-edged red fluorescent stripe along the entire length of their sides, giving a certain resemblance to a white bread sandwich with a coloured jam (jelly) filling.
Merrythought - wishbone
Numpty - a stupid person
Sleeping Partner - a partner in business, often an investor, who is not visibly involved in running the enterprise (US: silent partner)
Soap Dodger - one who is thought to lack personal hygiene (HELLOOOO, BION!!!)
Witter - to continue to talk trivially about a subject long after the audience's interest has gone. "He wittered on." (OMG, it's me! I do this!)
twee - excessively cute, quaint, or 'precious'
Thruppennies -(Cockney rhyming slang) breasts/tits (from thruppeny bits, obsolete British coin)

Also, did not realize that the "bangers" from "bangers & mash" were so name for their tendency to burst in the frying pan. I thought it had more to do with a similar resemblence to a body part used for banging!

* Also highly amusing, from a book review on Objects of Our Desire: Exploring Our Intimate Connections with the Things Around Us By Salman Akhtar, MD in booktards today: "You'll just never be able to convince me that JRR Tolkien was afraid of vaginas b/c he wrote about giant evil spiders who lived in deep dank caves."

* For a good time, give my boyfriend 3 chocolate-covered coffee beans, sit back and enjoy the show! I should slip these to him on weekends when he is tired and cranky, heh.

funny stuff, anglophilia

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