Spring Cleaning!
I have 8 bags worth of stuff to sell in the
West Seattle Community Garage Sale day. Old clothes, some knick-knacks I have no need for, and I think I'm going to dig through some boxes and find even more. Hmmm, but do I want to pay $12 for registration in a garage sale, where I will probably make $10? There are, of course, at least
10 Reasons to Have a Garage Sale.
I'm also cleaning up my LJ a bit. I'm removing some people, not because I hate them or anything, and if you are one of the few, please feel free to keep me friended. I just have a very busy schedule, and I find that I'm spending too much time scrolling through a fair amount of non-relevent or not-interesting-to-me posts. If you are concerned, let me know and I'll try to explain. If you're offended, please develop thicker skin. KIDDING!
Few of my entries are friends only anyway, so you won't miss much.
In other news:
This is probably
one of the saddest things I have ever read. To me, the worst part is "The report's authors said it's impossible to know how many animals arrived healthy and behaviorally sound but deteriorated to a point where they had to be euthanized."
I have agreed to be the SAI Seattle Alumnae Chapter's Editor for 2008-09. This... will be interesting! Especially since I generally only manage to make one meeting a year or so. Incentive to go more, yes? And actually attend functions? They are all fired up about going to a Ren Faire, heh.
Speaking of... Gretchen is working on this year's Ren Faire costumes! As we are going with a Middle-Eastern theme, Shawn will be a crusader, inspired by
this costume, but better and including the vambraces which will coordinate with mine (I'm doing a warrior-women, veils-n-vambraces thing); My bodice for this year will also be the start of next year's
Polgara-inspired costume, except in green for the dress, with a blue and gold robe. I'm so excited that Shawn wants to go!
Speaking of Shawn and I making plans, did I tell you that I've made the reservations for Orcas Island?! Is it Memorial Day yet???
Yonked from
scearley1. Where is your cell phone? - Purse.
2. Your significant other? - Mature.
3. Your hair? - Growing.
4. Your mother? - Future!Ashley.
5. Your father? - Fisherman.
6. Your favorite thing? - Books.
7. Your dream last night? - Disturbing.
8. Your favorite drink? - Tea.
9. Your dream/goal? - Happiness.
10. The room you're in? - Cold.
11. Your ex? - Gone.
12. Your fear? - Spiders.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Married.
14. Where were you last night? - Kitchen.
15. What you're not? - Relaxed.
16. Muffins? - Homemade.
17. One of your wish list items? - BPAL.
18. Where you grew up? - Smalltown.
19. The last thing you did? - Fidgeted.
20. What are you wearing? - Makeup.
21. Your TV? - Off.
22. Your pet(s)? - Pending.
23. Your computer? - New.
24. Your life? - Busy.
25. Your mood? - Content.
26. Missing someone? - Friends.
27. Your car? - Cracked.
28. Something you're not wearing? - Socks.
29. Favorite Store? - Lush.
30. Your summer? - Upcoming!
31. Love someone? - Always.
32. Your favorite color? - Lavender.
33. When is the last time you laughed? - Today.
34. Last time you cried? - Dunno.
So, que pasa, amigos?