Wow, I've been so sporadic about posting lately! I blame the insanity at work that has caused me to have lots of extra work, for various reasons (coworkers recovering from open-heart surgery, lawsuits, etc.). With my evening/weekend schedule lately, it's been kinda busy. Just a little bit.
So what have I been doing in the last few days?
* Got signed back up for aerial! WHEE! My hands are going to hate me for a few days while they build up the calluses, but going to the performance last week got me all sorts of fired up!!
* Bought Eddie Izzard tickets for Gretchen and I!!! AAAAAH, YEAAAH!
* Passed out on the couch immediately after dinner until 2am. Well done! I have dubbed it The Soporific Sofa - You'll be asleep in 30 minutes or less!
* Made several new friends, in both real-life and LJ! Some lovely girls (women, rather) have joined the Thursday Night group, and they are fantastic, smart, interesting people. Also a welcome to new friend
marinshellstone, a fellow Kusheline devotee and a musician! She composes music for movies (OMG, how cool is that??). And ANOTHER new friend, introduced by way of
eriksdb, a local author (and fellow Kusheline fan, I noticed on her Interests) is
blue_succubus. I bought her first book last night on the recommendation of Erik, entitled
Succubus Blues, an urban vampire fantasy set in Seattle! So excited to read! And yay, new friends! Apparently some of the other authors I met are ALSO on LJ. Oh, does the fun never cease??
* Have started excercising every day - Monday I was on the excercise bike. Tuesday I jogged. Yesterday I had my workout. Tonight I was going to go to ballet, but because jogging + workout has made it virtually impossible to walk, much less dance, I am bailing in favor of laundry/packing/computer funtime.
* Bought some more BPAL perfumes! "The Passionate Shepard To His Love" and "Plunder" in 5mL.
* Realized that I have spent $400 on food already this month. HOLY CRAP! No moar fuds. We has plenty.
* ALSO managed to buy 3 more books last night at the author signing. I'm at about 300 books right now. GOOD LORD, I need an intervention. But I'm greatly enjoying Foucault's Pendulum, People of the Book and Maiden, Mother, Crone, a collection of Celtic goddess legends.
* In light of these last few things I was stunned by the status of my bank account. I can't imagine why!! Gulp. Still need to buy Cirque du Soleil tickets... wonder if Shawn would be willing to buy those...?
All I Need To Know About Life I Learned
from Saved By The Bell.
Also, a reminder if anyone else is interested in joining me for
Belly Dancing Classes, Gretchen will be doing it too. Ladies? (to avoid being sexist, I'd ask the guys, too... but I really doubt any are interested!)
Also, my friend David (actually, my ex-boyfriend David) is apparently going to be a father! Craziness. I remember way back when I gave him his first kiss... it was his birthday and he went home singing "happy birthday to me!" When did we grow up? And do I really have to?
The Plague is going around the office. Everyone is coughing, sneezing, sniffling or all of the above. YUCK! Do not want.
This is more for me than for you, really.
* Laundry
* Pack
* Make pizza
* Dishes
* Revamp LJ
* Watch this Barack Obama video everyone's talking about.
* Read. Make list of Mount To-Be-Read. Update Wishlist of Books Added/Recent Books Bought
* Take hot soaking bath for poor muscles
* Maybe continue watching Revolutionary Girl Utena
How much more do you think I can squeeze in??
Please note that this post has taken me three days to finish. I need more lives, or less of one.