I have been a busy little bee tonight. I've made dinner (okay, it was mostly leftovers), did dishes, laundry, vacuumed, updated my checkbook, scrapbooked, watched a movie, caught up on celebrity gossip and LJ, and it's not even time for bed yet!
That's preeeeetty much all my news for today. Oh, and I have my "mid" year review with my boss tomorrow (keep in mind, I'll have another at the beginning of December to learn my financial status for the next year). Proof that money is the root of all my evils: I have $666 in my checking account!
You know how sometimes you have a sore tooth? Or something that itches? Or something along those lines? And you know damn bloody well that if you just stopped poking at it, it would stop hurting you, but there's this compulsion to keep bothering it, if only just to remind yourself that it's there? I have a guy in my life who is like that, and I just throw myself into that pain constantly. This guy is my sore tooth. Sigh. Now the question: extract or fill?
I went through my London scrapbook tonight (along with all my others). Sometimes I miss it there so much it hurts. I missed it before I even left it.
But all in all, things are good, and on a fairly even keel. :) And
this picture of the Grey's Anatomy cast is one of the cutest things ever. My boss also suggested we "Officize" our department party on Friday. I think I've gotten my boss hooked on it! Hehe.