I just sliced my finger open pretty good with a paper-cut (hence the subject line). Normally this wouldn't bother me, but it's on the pad of my finger, which I use for lots and lots of typing. Who wants to come kiss and make me it better?
I feel so much better today - 10 hours of sleep will do that to you! I got up 15 minutes earlier and was able to make a lunch, so I'm eating in small doses through the day. So I'll use my half-hour lunch to nap. God, I'm like this huge slug that all she does is eat and sleep. Oh, wait, and run around like crazy at all other times.
I'm considering taking on a weekend job, like in retail (blech). I'm getting really strapped for cash, and the holidays are coming up. The trouble is, my weekends are when I'm not working my usual 40 hrs, so it would eat into my fun-with-friends time. Boo hiss on money - can't we go back to a barter system? Or back to being hunter-gatherers?
I've been thinking a lot lately about this statue I saw in London, at the Tate Modern, called
The Kiss by Rodin. Something about this statue just really got to me, and I love it. Having read Dante's Inferno recently, and realizing who the people in the statue are, makes it very powerful. I felt that it was one of the most raw expressions of passion I'd ever seen, and it really struck a cord with me. Also, I should really go back to London soooon. Going to the 2012 Olympics is on my List of Things to Do in Life, but that's like 5 years away.
I should iconize this statue. Actually, I need to revamp my LJ, it's been a Lavender Fantasy for about 6 months now. Hmmm... fall is coming up. Fall leaves? Or a show (The Office or Grey's Anatomy)? Or a person/character theme? Oh, the choices!!! Opinions are welcomed.
Actually, I should REALLY go back to work. But I've updated site notes, entered warranties, and dispatched mechanics. What more could they want from me?? Oh, and there's still 5 hours to go... *le sigh* Maybe I'll go take a the company organizational feedback survey and kill 20 minutes.
Tonight's plan does not involve sleeping until nighttime, like a regular person:
Grocery shopping (need to write out list)
Hang a few more pictures
Put stuff in storage, but might want until later in the week
Making dinner (couscous salad, green salad, meat product of some kind, red wine?)