The weekend with th 'rents was fabulous. They loved the apartment decor, adored the dinner I concocted, had a great time at the park and the beach, laughed our asses off at Dame Edna (warning: if you ever go there, don't sit in the first 10 rows!); cleanliness was up to their standards, appreciated the flower bouquet I had arranged which included stargazer lilies and orchids (and they were very proud that I did the arrangement, because my mom is REALLY good at that stuff), they helped me set up my new (old) bookcase, and I now have almost all of my books here (over 220 now live with me), which just makes me so happy. We got me some new plants (a ginormous varigaited English ivy, a standard ivy that's just a baby, and an African violet) to enjoy in the house, and just all-round had a great time. There were only a couple of sour points, one of which was the dog, who has been doing this trembly, uncontrolled panting thing, almost like a doggy panic attack. She was hunched over, in the bathroom or at the back door (at one point in my closet... O_o?), and she's done this off and on since last November, apparently. It's scary, because we don't know what's causing it, and she seems so uncomfortable. She did better after we walked her a couple of times a day, and she did great at the beach, and it was so arbitrary. The other bad thing was that my allergies have gone into overload, I'm sneezing every 5 minutes, which is really inconvenient and irritating. I've got 2 anti-histamines in me, and I'll try a Benadryl tonight, because that will knock me out, and see if it works. So overall, a great time was had by all this weekend, and I'll be back in Wenatchee for Apple Blossom in about 6 weeks, and they'll be back here again the weekend after that to see Cirque du Soliel! Fun times!!! I'm so glad I've great parents, I know some people who aren't as lucky, so I am counting my blessings.
So I'm watching What Not to Wear, which is one of my favorite shows (and along with Who's Line is it Anyway?, the only "reality" TV shows I watch), and this chick is a total bitch. She's a producer in Hollywood, and she's clearly a ball-buster. She's hasn't even gotten her 3rd outfit into the 360° Mirror, and she's telling the camera, totally serious, that's she's finished with Stacy and Clinton, and is just going to agree with whatever they say to get them to shut up. And she called Stacy's fashion tacky. THIS was coming from a woman who (keep in mind, a movie producer!) has worn SCRUBS, yes, blue hospital scrubs on a DATE. And pajamas out to fancy dinners. Would have no problem wearing a lavendar shapeless nightdress (not a sexy one) to a red-carpet premiere. So she's shopping, and they sneak up behind her while she's bitching about them and how she's not going to listen, because "nothing she chooses will be good anyway"... well, no, not if you're not going to follow the Rules. They actually got pissed, which amused me greatly. She bartered for a pair of shoes, and made a HUGE fuss to the cashier about a $350 jacket. It confuses me why people get all up in arms about it, because it's NOT their money! It's free money, people! Anyway, then Nick starts in on her hair, and he's just adding some color for richness to the blah brown color she's got, and she's afraid that "he's going to turn her hair purple". Because that is totally what a show about contemporary fashion is all about... dumbshit. HAHAHAHAHA, she totally just announced that her clothes made her feel like she should be more bitchy... as if it was possible. I would totally have smacked her on nationally syndicated TV. Just blows my mind that EVERY person says at the end that they weren't changed by their new wardrobes, it was really just a better version of themselves... d'oh! Why would these stylists have a successful TV show if they didn't do good work?
But she reminded me of this other gal who had hair long enough to sit on, and wouldn't let Nick come near it with his scissors. He couldn't color it or anything, because all she did was pull it back in a bun, so half of the hair was all broken. And she wasn't convinced that he could keep it long and still make it look good. So, the rest of her looked great, but her hair looked like crap. Good choice, there.
Ha, and the girl who's on now just watched her secret footage, where her friends dressed up as her, which was hilarious. And she wears a red bra strap as a CHOKER. Alyssa, that tops frumpy pants anyday. I've never done anything that bad. And she's "not attached" to anything particular about her hair... obviously. But she has such potential, she'll be beautiful. She really has the most gorgeous eyes. EDIT: Hey, she turned out great! I knew it.
This has become a very long, rather uninteresting rant about people I don't even know. So I cut for your convenience!
I'm going to go watch March of the Penguins now, followed by the usual Sunday night line-up! Ate so much delicious food this weekend, I don't think I'm going to be weighing in tomorrow, haha.