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[Written] dragoon_pride November 16 2011, 04:37:01 UTC
[...You'd think he'd better understand the concept of 'welcoming' with a wife working over at the Welcome Center. But no. It's Kain.]

...A mural? What for?


[Voice] lightningcute November 16 2011, 06:54:54 UTC
Well, I just thought that after all the bad things that happened on Halloween, we could all use a distraction. I want people to be happy while painting this mural, or even just looking at it!


[Written] dragoon_pride November 16 2011, 07:02:53 UTC
A distraction...

[Kain thinks about it for a moment. It was a rough ordeal, one which is taking time to cope with.]

I suppose I understand.


[Voice] lightningcute November 16 2011, 07:11:13 UTC
Mm-hmm. You should come in and paint something!

[Because Kain totally looks like the kind of guy who'd have fun painting on a candy-colored mural.]


[Written] dragoon_pride November 17 2011, 07:02:49 UTC
[Funny enough, Cecil once mentioned he ought to try something different like painting. Except... he doesn't know where to start, along with his other main problem.]

I've never tried it before.


[Voice] lightningcute November 17 2011, 21:21:00 UTC
That's okay, this is for anyone who wants to paint, even if they're not good at it! You can help out with painting simple shapes on Friday, and then on Sunday you can come in and paint something you like from your own world.


[Voice] dragoon_pride November 18 2011, 22:43:54 UTC
Such as a dragon?

[Very single-minded about what he likes, but he really doesn't know how to make anything else.]


[Voice] lightningcute November 19 2011, 22:21:59 UTC
[Hey, far be it from a superhero named Dragon Kid to complain about some guy wanting to draw dragons.]

Yup, anything at all! Some people are painting pictures of their friends back home, too, or favorite places from their own worlds.


[Written] dragoon_pride November 20 2011, 06:59:07 UTC
All of the people who matter are here. [Well, to him anyway, though there are a few who he wouldn't mind seeing again. He supposes. Like Cid.] Mostly. I don't know that I could draw people very well, though.


[Voice] lightningcute November 20 2011, 09:49:52 UTC
Well, whatever you want to draw, I can help out a little with it! So you should definitely show up. We'll have food and drinks there, too.


[Written] dragoon_pride November 21 2011, 07:49:41 UTC
[Well... it would really please Rydia if he did something like this, he knows.]

...Perhaps I'll come then.


[Voice] lightningcute November 23 2011, 12:20:11 UTC
Yay! I'll see you next week, then!


[Written] dragoon_pride November 23 2011, 15:24:49 UTC
Very well.


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