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pugilistinpink November 16 2011, 01:40:56 UTC
Hey... this is really somethin'! So y'know kung fu AN' you's an artist! I think y'real talented, y'know?


lightningcute November 16 2011, 02:26:20 UTC
Aww, thanks, Mac! It's really just a lot of practice and hard work, though. I don't get to practice drawing as much as kung fu because I don't really use it for my job back home, so my art skills aren't as good as they could be.


pugilistinpink November 16 2011, 03:30:31 UTC
Aw, I think y'bein' humble. I wish I could draw like that... an' I tried, believe me. But m'hands, I think they's only good for hittin' things, pretty much. [His grin broadens.] Okay, an' playin' some video games.


lightningcute November 16 2011, 06:51:56 UTC
Video games, huh? Do you like fighting games? ['Cause she does.]


pugilistinpink November 16 2011, 15:36:15 UTC
Yeah, those're pretty fun! 'specially if y'got somebody else playin' with ya. Renegade, Double Dragon... man, those machines eat a whole bunch a' quarters.


lightningcute November 16 2011, 20:18:10 UTC
Hmm, I don't think I've played either of those before. I've played the Alley Fighter, and one of the Spirit Calibur ones, and some other ones...


pugilistinpink November 16 2011, 21:59:41 UTC
Ain't sure I ever played those ones... Alley Fighter sounds kind a' familiar. Huh. Well, y'know, I was talkin' to... think it was Ginia a while back, yeah? She was sayin' somethin' 'bout creatin' an arcade at the Dome someday. Wouldn't that be real cool?


lightningcute November 17 2011, 21:23:56 UTC
That would be so cool! [Pao-lin typically just plays console games, but she's been to the arcade in the Hero Bar a few times and had a blast there.] How would we go about doing that, though?


pugilistinpink November 17 2011, 21:45:35 UTC
Iunno... guess that's why I ain't doin' it, heh. I guess Ginia's thinkin' a' makin' a bunch a holographic machines. If that's what it is, we don' gotta worry 'bout runnin' out a' quarters no more.


lightningcute November 18 2011, 00:00:07 UTC
But there's no money in Luceti anyway...


pugilistinpink November 18 2011, 02:11:54 UTC
Yeah, I know. Jus' sayin'.


lightningcute November 18 2011, 11:05:46 UTC
Well, I'm definitely gonna ask Ginia if I can help out on that later!

...once she grows back up again, anyway.


pugilistinpink November 18 2011, 15:32:53 UTC
Wait a sec... whaddya mean 'grows back up'? [He seems to recall speaking to a woman whom was older than he was.]


lightningcute November 18 2011, 21:18:50 UTC
Ah...I think she must've gotten kidnapped recently and returned, because I just spoke to Ginia and she was a little girl who didn't have any memories of her time in Luceti.

((OOC: I just realized that I misremembered the order of Mac and Ginia's comments on this post, but, uh, let's just break time and space or something and pretend that Pao-lin spoke to Ginia before Mac? :D;;;))


pugilistinpink November 18 2011, 22:44:58 UTC
what...? That can happen, turnin' into kids again??

(ooc: Sure! I'm good with anything, haha. XP)


lightningcute November 19 2011, 08:49:18 UTC
Yeah...it happened to another friend of mine and his brother, too. They got kidnapped a few weeks ago and just returned recently.


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