Title: Be Clever Not Beautiful (In Technicolour!)
Artist: Sen
moment_of_senRating: R
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: evil!Sam/Dean
Spoilers: 2x14 - Born Under A Bad Sign
Warnings: sorta implied non-con, tho could be dub-con if you want. Incest; nasty Sammy implied.
Artist's Note: Okay, so you may remember I posted this little piece a wee while ago, but in black and white (well, sepia, sorta)
here. I promised that I would colour it and repost it- et voila! Here it is! It looks better a little bigger but I don't wanna kill peoples' computers with it, so you'll have to make do. I'm pretty happy with it, and my mother said it was "fantastic! Still dodgy, but fantastic!" soooo yeah, my mummy says I'm cool.
ze_pink_lady is a demanding wench and says I have to give her props for suggesting that I colour the covers red. So.... thank you, Lau.